Galleus Manor: Team 14
The moon hung low in the sky, only a few hours from setting. Five figures stood in the dark, just outside a chalk line in the grass, waiting for their moment. The Manor stood silent in the harsh floodlights, almost looking like a normal...
Galleus Manor: Team 13
The screams began, but the wolf in the chair kept his grim vigil. A look like disappointment crossed his face, but he made no move for the microphone. The only light in the room came from the bank of a dozen monitors, through which a...
Galleus Manor: Team 16, Final Mission
"Mic check zero, respond one through five," the rat said into the microphone. It had been hooked up to an intercom before, but it was a simple matter for the rat to repurpose it, even with one hand. She switched the broadcast...
New to the Force Ch.4: Road Trip
"You've come a long way together." Mark said, half in awe after hearing Simon, Jade, and Ruby's story. Simon had told most of it; however Jade would chime in to fill in the parts where Simon had been unconscious. Simon nodded, "Yeah, I'd do it all...
New to the Force Ch.3:Simon's Story
Simon woke up slowly. He'd never been much of a morning person, and today was no exception. He groggily pulled himself out of his sleeping bag and began packing his small campsite in Pinwheel Forest up. By the time he had everything stowed back in his...
New to the Force Ch.2: First Day on the Job
Ted woke us up early and fed us a light breakfast right before the taxi he apparently called earlier pulled up the driveway. I thanked him for the meal and the ride as I called Flare back into his pokeball. Clara and I then hopped in the back of the...
Galleus Manor: Team 15, Mission 2
Two weeks had disappeared, swallowed in the frenzied panic of radically shifting the operation. Security no longer assured outside the exclusion zone, the order came down to move camp. Directions were unclear, as no one knew...
Galleus Manor: Team 15
The sun beat down on the unkempt lawn, unusually hot for the season, as the rat approached the Manor. She wore a knee-length black skirt, and nothing else as she dragged a sledgehammer behind her with her remaining arm. Its...
Maybe More Than Friends
I often hear people complain that they don't have enough friends, and I can't help but feel that they're mistaken in putting quantity before quality in that department. Maybe its just me, but from what I've seen few things can improve your life like...
Reset: A Reason for Change
Luka lay in her bed and stared up at the ceiling. It was well past noon, and she had been awake for more than a few hours, but she was finding it hard to do much else besides groan. Considering she had spent the first nineteen years of her life as a...
A True Ghost Story
My Uncle surveyed our faces as we sat around him in the darkened room. Waiting for him to begin, we gorged ourselves on chocolate from the bags and pumpkin-shaped buckets we had spent the evening hours filling at our neighbors' doorsteps. "It was a...
Reset: Paying Your Dues
Luka Groaned as she rolled out of bed. She hadn't had nearly enough sleep since the bar closed late last night, and because they had been out of funds for at least three weeks now, Kevin had them working for him instead of charging rent until they...