Wolfger in StarFox 2

Then we all took off into space, out from the back of the corneria and went deep into space to find the missing pilot and arwing. when we pass pluto, we still had signal from the corneria.

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Star Fox Reborn Chapter Four

The horde blazed through the lylat system, attacking first only the outer planets, supposedly to get a feel for the "rapid-response" system that corneria had in place. when it proved to be weak and unprepared, the horde dove straight for corneria.

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Wolfpack Core - Chapter 11 - Bite Down

If there's any explanation as to why there's not much yakuza action in corneria is because he figured that corneria had enough problems on their hands with that claxan invasion.

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Tiberi's Starfox Timeline

She is not aging because of andross's treatment. 4027 - the aparoid invasion forces corneria and venom to ally.

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Ocean Retreat (Hide By The Sea)

He looked perfectly normal, though he wore a uniform that corneria had retired quite a few years ago.

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Chapter 2 – A Vixen’s Telepathic Powers

"right now, let's head back to corneria. krystal and i will need some time to plan the wedding." "i'd say we start by making a guest list," said krystal. "right," said fox.

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Chapter 17: Night Rose

How many blue vixens have you ever seen from corneria?" "what? blue dye is the fashion on corneria right now. has been for a few years, now." krystal laughed. "is that so! well, i had no idea i was a fashion object.

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21 - Unstoppable Force

I still had some money left, so i sold my first bike, and i moved half the gang off eladard to corneria. you and a few others came with me." "first time i'd ever seen corneria at that point.

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Chapter 15: Shame

My experimental weapon destroyed a military compound on corneria. i will atone for that on my own." krystal fought to stay awake. "the war between venom and corneria was self-preservation on my part, nothing more.

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Chapter 12: Fighting Instincts

"meaning they expect corneria to burn everything to the ground the way venom would do in an assault on corneria. they are afraid for their families back home. they have no idea that corneria is coming to liberate.

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