Squad Goals - Ch13

**Break on Through To the Other Side (of the Pond) By: VeronicaFoxx For: Dreixes** "But why did you tell my _mums_?" the squirrel complained, pulling at her hair as she stalked back and forth across the living room. The fact that the hyena was...

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Squad Goals - Ch12

He was the kind of gymrat that took a jock mentality of just being bigger and stronger, and therefore "better", than anyone else without any other goal in mind. it wasn't for his health and fitness so much as making himself feel big.

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Squad Goals - Ch11

**Leaving a Permanent Mark By: VeronicaFoxx For: Dreixes** "Alright, hun, you sure you wanna do this?" the hyena inquired, giving the squirrel's hand a light squeeze. "This is a really big step, y'know. Kinda permanent. I mean, we _could_ just...

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Squad Goals - Ch03.1

**From Alpha to Omega (Part 2) By: VeronciaFoxx For: Dreixes** Half a day of picking fruit while wearing nothing from the waist down and covered in cum, mud, and piss had done wonders for Kaliya's attitude, or so it seemed. The former...

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Squad Goals - Ch10

**Reverse Immersion Therapy By: VeronicaFoxx For: Dreixes** April felt something touch her arm and nearly reached up to yank the VR helmet off of her head, but her head jerked to the side and saw the lupine avatar of her lover. She took a deep...

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Squad Goals - Ch09.1

**Life's a Bitch By: VeronicaFoxx For: Dreixes** Kaliya sighed heavily as she was finally allowed to log out for the night. The vibrancy of the game faded through mist to the character select screen, and she passed through to the rig's...

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Squad Goals - Ch09

**Recovery Hurts and Takes Time By: VeronicaFoxx For: Dreixes** "Hooooo, girl, I thought you's gon' take all damn night!" Charlene crowed, giving the burly hyena a swat on the back that Shodan absorbed with barely a jolt, kind of like seeing a...

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Squad Goals - Ch08.1

**The Bunny's Bitch By: VeronicaFoxx For: Dreixes** "Siiiiiiiiigh, bored now," the formerly hermaphroditic rabbit said. She sat draped across some hay bales that were stacked outside the barn where Kaliya spent most of her time getting...

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Squad Goals - Ch08

**Unboxing the Squirrel By: VeronicaFoxx For: Dreixes** Shodan was eagerly excited for the delivery to arrive. She'd had everything setup since the night before, but she kept double checking on her preparations, fidgeting. She hadn't been so...

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Squad Goals - Ch07

**Self Regifting By: VeronicaFoxx For: Dreixes** After that first night and most of the following day spent in the box while Shodan and Charlene gave Foo Foo her welcome home party, April had been looking forward to doing the real thing. She'd...

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Squad Goals - Ch06

**Bun in a Box By: VeronicaFoxx For: Dreixes** The requisite two weeks had passed and then one more while things were settled. Charlene was damn near giddy with anticipation, because her cute little bun would be arriving today along with her...

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Squad Goals - Ch05

**The Punishment Game By: VeronicaFoxx For: Dreixes** Charlene stood beside the field in nothing but her scales, watching as the new bitch finally finished plowing the last row, quite contented with herself. Kaliya had spent the whole last...

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