Revised Psionics Write-up
**section v: known abilities (empath)** the empath is an individual particularly gifted in the abilities revolving around the sensing of, and manipulation of, an individual's mind.
Zion - Light of the New Moon: City of Bannihar
Being an individual in bannihar is possible, though the social climate makes it very difficult.
The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 29
Ghosthunters are considered rank 2 individually, rank one if they work as groups. dragons generally never make it above a two. the emperor is considered the only recorded individual level 1 threat on a field of battle.
Interspecies Pamphlet (Initial Species Guide To Silver City Universe)
- most common temperament; most j'rali are reserved, studious, contemplative individuals. some j'rali can be quite aggressive when dealing with individuals with whom they are not familiar, but this is the exception rather than the rule.
Caleb's Predicament!
Yet caleb found that a strong individual was pinning him down and continue to keep him like that with ease.
Also in the individual's personal goal of seeking an identity some people will do what most would label as "fitting in" or assimilation.
FBME System
The younger the individual is when enrolled, the cheaper the tag.
Samuel x Reden (WIP)
I keep watching the lori virus awareness video, images of individuals hugging each other being shown in the message "lori can be contracted by interacting with individuals infected with lori, sometimes just looking at them can cause infection.
Once the figure reaches the consoles they become active and bathe this individual in a soft glowing light.
Officer Friendly
They were literal sexual predators prone to gang raping individuals in the most drug induced way.
The Swarm
individual parts that were lost or killed could be regenerated or even replaced entirely, and any lost mass would be replaced when the individual was changed back.
A Cat Among the Stool-pigeons. Ep4
Photographs #2 through #4 are non-target individuals potentially associated with legitimate targets.