Dinosaurs and the Snake
"littlefoot!" chomper's voice called from the outside. "littlefoot, come here! you have to see that!" his voice was very anxious and happy. he probably had found something that he thought littlefoot was going to like.
He turned around to face littlefoot. littlefoot shuddered as the blue sharptooth looked at him that way. why, not too long ago, chomper used to look at littlefoot with eyes full of happiness, loyalty and trust.
Scolding and Revelation
They knew that if rex didn't hurt littlefoot he would never be able to win. ducky and ali were scared. ali then gave a few steps forward and talked to littlefoot in a soft tone "littlefoot?"
"littlefoot, you found it!" "we did it! we did it together!" "mother? i tried to do what you told me. but it's just too hard. i-i'll never find the great valley..." "littlefoot...littlefoot...littlefoot..." "don't go mother! don't go!"
Gift: One Strange Leaf
littlefoot's nostrils flared as he hissed out in pleasure. nicobay pumped his head over that spire as quickly as he could. littlefoot rolled his hips against the bobbing head, panting louder now.
New Flowers 3
littlefoot was a bit more sensitive.
18th Hatchday Gift - Part 1
It took a few moments, until littlefoot nodded to him, and chomper started inserting more of his cock inside of littlefoot.
Vanished Guardians and the Offer
Meanwhile littlefoot stayed by spike's side, consoling him. spike was still alive, but littlefoot didn't know how bad the wounds were.
Distorted Truth
Yu scowled at this, and turned to littlefoot. "you've got to trust me! it's not safe with him! he's...changed...littlefoot. he's changed." littlefoot could not believe what he was hearing. yu, accusing rex of being a traitor!
Nostalgia in the Great Valley pt. 2
"littlefoot! littlefoot!" the shape turned, but it was not littlefoot; and yet it was. it was littlefoot transformed. he seemed increadably huge and he towered over her.
A Lucky Day
littlefoot and chomper's fans, do not read this story. "come on littlefoot." screamed chomper to the longneck "we got a lot to see around here" he screamed as he ran and littlefoot kept telling him to "slow down!"
Chapter Five: Sharp Beaks Near the Great Valley
Many years had gone by since the tragedy of that day for petrie, ptero, and littlefoot. littlefoot went to go see his friends cera, ducky, petrie, and spike. they were his best friends.