#SimplyPurrfect (Revised Edition)
I look to discover that the poachers who weren't too happy about my rescue attempt have busted me. "get the cat," said one of the poachers (we'll call him the head poacher).
Falling for a lioness 2 revenge of the fallen part 42
"so i herd from my son you escape from poachers,and you seed help and shelter." raam asked us. " um yes king, raam ,im an king simba of the pride lands, and we need help to stop poachers.
I look around only to discover that i've been busted by the poachers who weren't too happy about my rescue attempt. "oh, shit..." "get the cat and get rid of this guy," says one of the poachers (we'll call him the head poacher).
RJ's Adventure - Chapter 1: Escape
As the poachers continue to argue amongst each other, the lucario charges up an aura sphere and launches it at the electabuzz in the center and it collides with its chest, creating a small explosion, knocking several of the poachers off their feet.
Wolf in a Different World: Chapter 1
As the poachers continue to argue amongst each other, the lucario charges up an aura sphere and launches it at the electabuzz in the center and it collides with its chest, creating a small explosion, knocking several of the poachers off their feet.
Investigation - Act 2
Finding one or two of the poachers per day would probably be most likely. first he would head to the house where the first poacher had said one of the foxes lived.
Falling for a lioness 2 Revenge of the fallen part 41
" sorry we were just getting away, from poachers and we crashed here" i told him. " poachers ,you lead them to our home" the lead tiger said to me he then got closer to me as he did .zira jump in front of me snaring, angrily at the lead tiger.
Wastelands-Chapter 36-The Beginning of the End Part 1 of 2-The War For Greenville
poacher 2-1 is down! repeat! example has neutralized poacher 2-1!" "commander lucas!", the other truck called at almost the same time, "tuck 16! poacher 2-1 has been neutralized! i repeat! poacher 2-1 has been eliminated!
Odd Love Story... Chapter 1
I trying to hide from these pokemon poacher's!!" icey hid behind moon. "oh, uh, okay..." moon glanced behind her at icey. "i'm moon." "icey hi! so come and hide me!! he is getting closer!!" icey said a bit scared.
Saved By A Goat (m/m)
Obviously, this mean trap was a poacher's work but did the poacher really mean to catch dragons?
purity and hope decide on a plan
"well us 2 can run ahead and get the poachers to follow us and the pack ,including the war runners, can follow them and when we get into the hunting grounds, we turn round on the poachers and attack and the pack & war runners can attack from behind" i say
Unearthing truths part 1
Max whispered, bulbasaur taking refuge in max's backpack as the hunter and the trainer snuck their way into the poacher's camp.