In Soviet Nazi Germany, Communism Eats *YOU*
He was so angry at russia so he decided to go against the allies all by himself. he built a giant rocket that he was planning on launching at russia. on the side of the rocket were the words "diatomic elements are cool!!!"
Unstable Serenity - Chapter 17, Out to Sea
Now according to the united states, you're in russia, and according to russia, you're in russia, and according to sweden, you're not even here. so let's keep it that way until this problem has been solved, okay?" "okay" i nod.
Russian into Danger
But it looks to me like you will be going to russia after all." edward wasn't so sure. "we can't get back to the states, much less head into russia. we would have to go home, apply for passports, and then fly to russia from there.
Red Moon: Wolves of Stalingrad Pt. 5
Red Moon: Wolves of Stalingrad Part 5 Franz crept through the woods silently, only moving when the wind blew to cover the noise of his boots crunching the snow beneath. He had his rifle clutched tightly in his grasp with a single round chambered....
Red Moon: Wolves of Stalingrad Pt. 1
Red Moon: Wolves of Stalingrad Part 1 Franz Lehmann fired his scoped Kar 98k. The bullet went right where he intended it to go, into the chest of a lone Russian soldier that thought he could cross a wide street. The man fell, his momentum...
Red Moon: Chapter 6
Red Moon Chapter 6 Trevor found himself in Red Square, at the bottom of the steps of St. Basil's Cathedral. The red bricks and colorful art design drew him in like a magnet and he just had to take pictures. Holding his cell phone up with an arm...
Red Moon: Chapter 5
Red Moon Chapter 5 Dmitri had some calls he needed to make. Being shot wasn't a new thing, but being shot in the middle of the city when he should have been covered by the snow storm wasn't. Someone knew where he was going to be and ambushed him...
Plodding Back to St Petersburg
They made the cross country trip with speed. They chose their two legged feral forms as being the most efficient when it came to both moving and carrying supplies. They were traveling light, but even then, to be properly prepared, they...
Ein neues Leben
## Hallo alle zusammen,dies ist meine erste Story ## Ich bin unerfahren,was das Schreiben von Storys angeht ## trotzdem hoffe ich,dass die Story euch gefallen wird ## Ich muss vorwarnen RECHTSCHREIBFEHLER sind vorhanden ich bin eben nicht der...
The Spawning (Eng)
Working seven days a week for almost a year, the management decided to send him on a vacation to russia's expense. - in russia? - bill outraged - the same one drunken bears walk the streets!
Roman Holiday
She wanted to go to russia, but getting into russia wasn't going to be so easy. and for that matter, where in russia? that was an awful lot of territory to cover. he had a feeling she was planning on doing a lot of it as werewolves.
Presidential Affairs
"russia is continuing the air strikes. we're continuing to see more and more civilian casualties." "see, i'm stuck here. we can't support russia's war crimes, but at the same time, russia is the last country we want a war with." "well," said kenneth.