Elder Scrolls Infinity
The dragon just came out of nowhere. One moment there had been clear skies all around, the next an enormous darkness fell upon them and they scattered. Kala felt useless, she had been hired as part of a group to protect the merchants on their travels,...
Skyrim, Arga's Story: Chapter 5: Companion in the Barrow
Skyrim, Arga's Story Chapter 5: Companion in the Barrow By Draconicon "How...did this seem...like a good idea?" Arga panted for breath, staring up at the gray clouds above him as his attacker wheezed for breath. Turning his head, the...
Drem Yol Lok
Siiv drem ko faal lok (Find peace in the sky) Nii loost nid ag yol (It hath no burning fire) Rahgol sinak se strunmah (Raging fingers of the mountain) Strun tol kul vulon yuvon (Storms that light the night in gold) Nu hanu ko krah...
An Argonian and his Beginning
"Burr.", a reptilian creature said to himself as he traveled trough the frost ridden snow of Skyrim. He was on his way to Eldersblood Peak, southeast of Morthal. The snow on the ground only took a toll on his feet as he climbed slowly up the stairs to...
The Assassin's Dark Tales-Chapter V: The Contract
#6 of elder scrolls walking by the stairs, swift-knife looked around in the somewhat empty downstairs after killing the fireplace, and took a careful seat in a thick swooping chair that fit perfectly with his tail and bulk.
The Assassin's Dark Tales-Chapter IV: Welcome to the Family
#5 of elder scrolls traveling through the forest and roads towards the east of the imperial city...and closer to the mountains that border morrowind, swift-knife knew the smell that the wind carried as he got closer to cheydinhal.
The Assassin's Dark Tales-Chapter III: The Covenant
#4 of elder scrolls as he slept lightly for hours on end, swift-knife was not comfortable sleeping in the open, no telling what lurks to strike one.
The Assassin's Dark Tales-Chapter II: Virgin Taste
#3 of elder scrolls after sneaking from the sewer at dusk, swift-knife swam through the gutters, out of the city, and soon enough stumbled into a camp of bandits nearby.
“To Say Goodbye…” A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion
Anyway just letting you know that the story written has been setup the way they would speak within the game elder scroll's iv: oblivion. if you haven't played it then you don't know what you are missing!!! lol!
Keema's Adventure: New Beginnings
Keema and the others fought their way through the chamber, and with a bit of encouragement from the others, they convinced Farkas and Vilkas to come with them, to conquer their fears as they went on. Farkas developed a fear of the spiders ever...
Keema's Adventure: Joining the Circle
After finishing the job, Keema, Torvar, and Ria got paid for the job (although Ria demanded Keema get paid even more after finding out what the Alik'r men did to her, which Kematu paid for, and presumably punished his men for fucking Keema), and were...
Keema's Adventure: Her Destiny
No sex scene here, but please stick around to at least hear my story out, I made some changes to the story and rewards that Balgruuf made based on some mods like that one mod where you are given a thane ring and the thane weapons reborn, let me know...