Day's End

This is a sonnet i wrote, and its not about death i can assure you if you dont get it sorry!!!


Moment’s Monument

~ fin ~ a sonnet is a moment's monument, memorial from the soul's eternity to one dead deathless hour.

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Mortality (a sonnet)

A person lives as long as time itself Provided his effect is there to see But lacking progeny he must rely On others' often spotty memory Ideas are immortal, living on To give another generation pause But often they fade out in ages hence And...

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Colony Collapse Disorder

I hunted with the children of the sun Who hunt the liquid gold. I saw them turn, Like furnace sparks made flesh, to rise and run As swift as their sun's rays that ever burn, To take pursuit again. I saw their stores Stuffed but to bursting...

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Sonnet: Bear at the Mall

Tis great when panda shakes prodigiously; A panda sans a big caboose can't tame The int'rest of the crowd amassed to see The straining fabric give away the game. Not so this bear, now bared broad pelt of black With white around the thighs split...

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RSH- Retaliation

"it is imperative that we get him back, but we must defeat the russians here at sonnet first. if they capture sonnet, he will have fought in vain."

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Dear Valentine

A bit late, but a sonnet for valentine's day. dear valentine, a rose for you, dear valentine, one of deepest red to match your hair of darkest black that does shine in the moonlight. will you be mine?

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Lonely Heart

. ;~; just a dumb little sonnet i wrote. the clouds do flee before the sun, as my fears floan from mind, your love is what i found, a red rose of spring, the greatest prize i could have ever won.

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Now Lay with New Hopes

A sonnet of how love is not all ways black and white but may end in new found love. love, a mysterious falsehood behind.  a rapture i pursuit for, longing; peace.  words, spindrift through the whirlwind; we are blind. 

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Moon Flowers

#1 of sonnets **_moon flowers_** **_2013 by eldyran_** _style: elizabethan sonnet_ _verse: iambic pentameter_ _lines:14_ _rhyme scheme: ab, ab, cd, cd, ef, ef, gg_ is there no dream lovelier from bypast? does any memory compare as pure?


Reach to the Heights, Light Overcomes

sonnet number two in my new form. spirit, body, and mind, for just death reveals all a dream that comes for your true sight of the decades and decades of unholy fall mirrors breaking as she's crying, "i'm numb!"

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