Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 21

"steroids, am i right?" sam didn't answer, his eyes drawn down to the table. thought so, venti nodded his head. "then you got caught, am i right about that too?" this time, the elder jackal did answer him. "it was a sting," sam said quietly.

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haven history, well, most of it

The where and why haven got started, haven, the nightclub that looks like the cathedral of notre dame on steroids was originaly that, a church, the government closed it due to the cost to keep it up and it began falling into disrepair.


Rough Riders

He had been using steroids. half the wrestling team did... he dropped out about a week later after he was tossed off the wrestling team. i hadn't seen him since. that was three years ago... i sneered up at his face.

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Substitution - Chapter 7

"alright," said doctor cordon, "let's get the dna infuser into or 1 and let's start him right away on the respiratory steroids! and let's make sure that he doesn't start bleeding again!"

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Max Myers and his TFS-109 Chapter..6

"shit are you on steroids ore something." max said looking at the bulging muscles of the wolf which made him sweat drop about his stupid guestion.

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But considering it had just been a month since the echo hysteria, after an year since their last meet during christmas break and after several months of sydney ghosting him only for tj to learn that he had been taking steroids and felt too ashamed to even

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A New Life Chapter 4: Happy Birthday!?

I fought the urge to gag, the cakes icing was like sugar on steroids. after that there was presents. joy... i got a camera from joey and samantha, and a chew toy from eric.

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Horse. Pussy.

And his cutie mark is a bottle of steroid pills. wait, is that injected? can you just take pills? forget it, i'm leaving it as pills. although, a syringe is cock shaped. kinda.

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MSBA- Pool

She looks about as bulky as genis, though where he looks like a wall of flesh, she looks more like what one would expect of a body builder on steroids, and then those muscles took steroids as well. her arms are probably about as thick as my entire waist.

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Ch.7 Disaster Breeds Opportunity

The steroids still circulating his system let him jog another hour before finally stopping, and drifting to sleep with his friends. the sun was something they had not seen in a long time.

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New Life - Part 1

The paw rubbing around his thick mounds of beefy flesh with his nipples looking more like nobs, each one looking like they have been steroid juiced.

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From the Desk of Ms. Bellington 7: The Worst Three Weeks Ever

The idea of hiring someone who isn't an overconfident steroid junkie was hard until he hired the guy for simple detail.

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