Ven meets Zolya
Being as young as he is, he could only transform into a wyrmling. barely able to fly in this form, he wasted no time in using the strength of his young wings to carry him high into the mountains.
Sent Kobold Chapter 9: Kobold's Lair
In almost two years, i had gotten a hoard wyrmlings could only dream of and my own minions.
Sent Kobold Chapter 13: Solstice's Carnival
"and iskdiwercaesin... uh, you didn't tell us where you're from," he said to the wyrmling. "does it matter?
Destruction Preventer - The Mass Of The Earth
When he came out, he handed a small basket with several apples and cans towards the wyrmling. "there you go." "thank you, it looks delicious!" david set it down and took an apple with both paws.
Sent Kobold Chapter 7: Revolt's Chaos
After spending four days with the wyrmling, it was abundantly clear that he and baous had a clash of personalities, to put it mildly.
Resound Act 1 - Party Monster
"damn wyrmling, what calls you-?" "why?" i nearly demanded, instantly setting the fire in his eyes as he started getting up. "you dare-!?" "why did you let me go?"
Somewhere Out There Act 16 - Missing Miss Charlene
"to a wyrmling, of all things." the drake teased, getting a growl from the larger looking one. "a wyrmling with magical powers! you heard what it did to seb!" "yeah, but he didn't get any piercing wounds."
Sent Kobold Chapter 5: Legend's Fall
He would be ordering the execution of a wyrmling, a wyrmling that would grow to become dangerous, callous and hostile, and it his training as a cleric of bahamut essentially meant that this had to happen eventually.
Dragon Council
"it is an abomination to steal wyrmlings, and they must be crushed!" kat said, slamming her fist upon the ground before her. her knights rattled in their armor at the impact.
Tik Tik's Lactation Journey Part 1
I tilted my head "i'm near the term, and my little wyrmling is going to be a beautiful baby, i'm sure." "you seem like good mommy!" i yipped quickly. she giggled at that. "oh, but you hardly know me, and i haven't finished talking."
Dragon Mound
If only she weren't so honorable, he could exercise his desires to fill her with his seed and take the resulting wyrmling for himself. alas, the maneuvering among the council would not allow for the child's life to be an easy one.
Somewhere Out There - Short Story Of A Lonely Guy
** _" the cleaner hissed at them loudly, making both almost hide their heads like wyrmlings in trouble. slamming the front door when she didn't get an answer. "h-hey! can i at least get some clothes first?"