Davu and Savannah's Love Scene
It's my attempt at writing a romantic love scene that's a little more than pg or even pg-13. nothing outrageous and still full of love and tenderness. but, definitely not for young readers. ^^; anyway, i really hope you enjoy it.
Jungle Pride - Ch2 - Pg 13
The continuing Jungle Pride story for all free members of alphafurs.com
(tba) Section 1: Confined: Chapter 3
"that's really pg-13?" "yeah, it's supposed to be a stupid comedy." "fine by me" chrom said. i tried to pay, but chrom stepped in front of me and said, "you paid for lunch yesterday(at the mall), and i embarrassed you today" "chrom!"
Tales of Furope: Tama's Revenge
His arms and legs were completely swallowed up by the expanse of his tummy, and the uniform that continued trying to change size with him finally ripped and tore apart, leaving him completely nude, but in a completely acceptable and pg-13 way.
Tiny Eros Chapter 2
Great music, bright colored cloths, pg-13 movies where kids could curse." spec couldn't help but laugh at the last part of her statement. he held his sides to compose himself. "i can't argue with you there.
The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter Bunny - Chapter 4
Ash Wednesday was fast approaching, the clock ticking down, and the former Mrs. Easter Bunny was coaching Buttercup on the process of Egg Laying. "I thought you said I laid from Passover to Good Friday, Passover is still over a month away." Mrs....
The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter Bunny - Chapter 3
Buttercup just stared at Bambii in shock, unable to process the words he had just said. "Before you marry me, you should know..." Bambii continued hesitantly, "The Mrs. Easter Bunny... it's up to her to lay all the eggs for Easter." Another...
Projectiles of Protection
#1 of projectiles of protection rated pg-13 for strong violence and mild sexual themes. reader discretion is advised. a story series i wrote as a fan-fiction for housepets! by rickgriffin one of my favorite webcomics.
The Wolves of Twilight: Fallen Angels -- Chapter 2
It's a very good movie, and rated pg-13." orkæn shrugged, grinning. "sure, why not?" _to be continued..._
Happy Saturday
* * * end of chapter 4 any constructive comments and advice are welcome flamers are welcome too as long as it's pg-13 :p thank you again, readers!
The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter Bunny - Chapter 6
And so the rest of Lent continued for Buttercup, rest and happy times with Bambii on Sundays, and lots of unceasing agony and screaming the other six days of the week. It was everything Buttercup had always dreamed, but it was also even more so. She...
The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter Bunny - Chapter 5
Buttercup continued to lay egg after excruciating egg all through that day and into the next, it didn't let up, Buttercup was trapped in a state of nonstop torture, she must of laid thousands if not millions of eggs by now. Her body was begging for it...