From Hero to Slut
They were surprised and shocked when they saw agumon. agumon had to use one full month to remove the smell on his body. agumon also changed his name to aguwomon.
Digimon - New Generation - Kapitel III Die DigiWelt
agumon warf sich über marc und wurde von dem giftstachel zwischen die schulterblätter getroffen. agumon schrei gepeinigt auf. „agumon!!", schrie marc. er trug agumon zu yamato und gabumon. „kümmere du dich um dein agumon, marc!
Digimon Want to have Fun
agumon had fallen asleep then and had a relaxing night.
Impmon smirked as he waited for agumon to get up and roll the dice. agumon laid there, feeling slightly defeated.
Lost in the Woods 02: One Step Closer
agumon walked over to them, and guilmon put agumon in front of him, so that agumon's back was facing guilmon. guilmon pushed agumon over gently, and lifted his tail.
Agumon's Need
, the agumon asked. " no. thanks for your help.", tucker whispered. the agumon nodded in reply, "follow me, i know a safe place you can rest.", the agumon said. tucker followed the agumon deep into the woods, and into a village of biyomon.
Digimon: The Digital Demon Part 5
After a while, agumon pulled out of gatomon slowly, his cock dripping with dinocum and kittynectar. he flopped onto his back, laying beside the demonic cat. "a-agumon...
The Real Reemon
agumon and gabumon's boat came in. agumon said, "i'll check the area." he left his boat seeing the other, veemon saw agumon walking on the beach. veemon stood up and rushed over. veemon hands came up, "agumon!"
Rutting Gammamon
As he bounced happily on agumon's dick.
Veemon's Capsule Dream
Monodramon placed his purple cock and penetrated agumon's cock. agumon gasped, "ahhhhhh!" monodramon hoisted agumon up and shoved agumon all the way to the ground. agumon slid just a bit and monodramon adjusted looking right at gabumon fuck veemon.
Loving a Dragon (Flamedramon Day 2020)
Veemon's tail rest over agumon's thigh, going past agumon's belly and resting against his hip. agumon helped slide veemon's legs over his own thighs so veemon's legs were spread real wide, his slits both exposed, just a couple inches above agumon's.
The Court of The Padded King
Gatomon, it's agumon, hello?" agumon says, trying to catch gatomon's attention. the smelly diapermon walks along oblivious to agumon's pleas. gatomon's only response is a loud, wet fart which causes her browned backside to rumble.