Revealing Information
Rubicant's head turned and looked at altair. "connecting to alliance network! rank! admiral! name! altair! you possess the skill that is required!" altair knew what it was asking. "inquiry. how long will repairs take?"
Altair Ref Sheet 2.0
-split/fusion- altair has the ability to temporarily merge or conjoin with another being in one of many different configurations. while conjoined, both altair and hir partner share a single body, and all sensations are shared by both.
The Rogue: Part 1
My finger rested lightly on the flight stick's trigger as i maneuvered my fighter behind one of the enemies heavies, a slow, but powerful altair.
Falling Apart: Prologus- Washed Ashore (Nocti)
Obviously he was using telepathy to speak to me and altair. altair nodded, looking at me as well. "he is. nocti enasuna, the one your currents brought to me. his reactions have been rather promising, so i ask you... do you see it in him as well?"
Project Godlike: New Orders
Over the comms came the news that we had arrived at altair.
[Infosheet] Naisurian Squeaks
After he reverted the changes in hir body, shi and altair spoke telepathically, then talked with toksyuryel about possibly converting others.
Lady Iris Character Description.
Unlike the typical female derlenian, her body is slender, and slightly toned, as she isn't much for physical combat, compared to julyna, or altair.
Chapter 5: Our Power
"altair!" there was a hint of a giggle in alexander's voice. "now! unleash your attack!"
Chapter Five: Our Power
"altair!" altair raised his free hand, still unsteady on his feet. as kat's head came down in a sweeping motion, her eyes intent on the dark spot on his chest she'd already hit, her body jerked to a sudden stop.
Omnivice Exhibition Part 3: Gender, Body Modifications, and Body Fusions
He comes from altair's clan, having a few of hir abilities, such as the natural ability to merge with others, as well as the fact that he produces a massive amount of cum.
Blunt Force Happiness
I packed the new messenger bag that altair gave me for my trip to poketara in the morning.
Omnivice Exhibition Part 6: Bondage and Minor Formes
Like altair and sirius, he likes, and sleeps in, plushie forme." "the second is neran. he was born an american, like altair, but he became a kitsune, then the ninetales before you. his specialty in combat is confusing and disabling his opponents.