The Life and Lust of Vusty - The Wicked

Vusty lets out her inner demon... [demonic t... vusty lets out her inner demon...

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The Seeker, Chapter 31

"well, i may be able to get him to talk some more, vulva said, i'll play the 'good demoness', you can be the 'bad demon'. you go in first and scare the crap out of him, and then i'll come in and 'save' him from the 'mean' demon."

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She'd asked him what kind of demon or demoness he was interested in summoning (there were different kinds? news to him.), what he wanted (sex, power, money, all of it, or?), and just what he was willing to give.

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The Seeker, Chapter 17

Oh my god she thought, it's the devil, and as the monster stood up and turned towards her she realized it was a very pregnant devil.

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The Seeker, Chapter 16

Vulva had "contracted" a demoness with no lord to be her newest indentured slave. in return the demoness learned the breeding trade, and had a patroness.

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The Seeker, Chapter 15

The great sand demon roared, spewing sand hundreds of feet into the air.

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My Soul to her

If she is the devil, the female devil to say i... "will you stop calling me the devil?" she said sternly. i heard her growl. "i am not the devil. trust me i am a hundred time worse then your imaginary devil that is red, has horns and a tail."

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Chapter 3, Angel in Disguise?

He also sensed the demonic distress lingering in the air. a smile formed across his lips after several moments of deep thought. the demon then turned away thus merging into the shadows.

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Der Pakt

**Der Pakt** Langsam aber sicher erwachte Marko aus seinem leider nicht allzu tiefen Schlummer. Ein Blick in das stockdüstere Zimmer verriet ihm, dass es Nacht war. „Was für eine Überraschung", dachte er sich. Warum hatte er es wieder nicht...

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Getting Even Can be Fun, Chapter 1

Tell me, would you be willing to deal with a demon from hell?" i snorted with laughter at first; demon from hell, riiiight! then i saw the look in her eyes. "my god, i said, you're serious, aren't you?"

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Now the question was, which demon; or in my case demoness, should i try to summon? fortunately the spellbook included a list of the names of the demonic beings the girl had summoned, but most were demons.

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Chapter 4 - Demos, Sword of Shadows

Chapter 4 - Demos, Sword of Shadows * * * "What are you doing here Vanessa?" asked Redrigal. "What do you mean? I'm here to lecture like you were lecturing him (points to Leo) about the time guardians," replied Vanessa. "What can you...

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