The Guilded Cage, World Introduction, part 2
An errant faction known as the gathering shadows doesn't believe that playing by the rules benefits anyone, save those for whom the rules were written.
Chapter 2 - First Fight
After all, there's standing with a faction, then there's standing with the factions that make up that faction. it's like how a company works in the real world. excite oil, my dad's company, is a case in point.
Guardians: Alethia Prologue
If this peace treaty could be formed with the faction calling itself z'ar shehad or new empire then it would mean that the pelzigans would be able to mount an offensive to quickly eliminate the the loyalist factions of the empire.
Guardians: Alethia Prologue
If this peace treaty could be formed with the faction calling itself z'ar shehad or new empire then it would mean that the pelzigans would be able to mount an offensive to quickly eliminate the the loyalist factions of the empire.
No Season Pass Needed (2/2)
"not many generals take notice of their players, and if another faction managed to poach you away from me i'd never forgive myself, not to mention i happen to know that your friend is a member of haleon's faction.
A meeting after a long absence
The trouble came because of ember's status as a member of a different faction, the river faction, and the societal expectations placed on drakes of the long-tail faction. the two factions had never gotten along. "oh well." blue thinks once again.
Games list as of 5/20/2014
Red faction 2 rogue galaxy rpg maker 2 rpg maker 3 samurai warriors samurai warriors 2 samurai warriors 2: empires seven samurai 20xx shadow hearts shadow hearts 2 shadow of colossus shifters shinobi sly cooper sly cooper 2:
M&FF: A Beginner's Guide
Fairy - arguably the dominate race of the fairy queen faction.
Breaking societal expectations
The two chatted on the way there about various topics, mostly regarding the customs of the different factions. "you seem a lot different than what i've heard about the dragons from the mountain faction.
Character Selection Screen
She half-heartedly listened to the backstory that was provided for the game and waited impatiently until the faction selection screen had loaded up.
No Season Pass Needed (1/2)
While they weren't the only faction that was in this particular match it was the one that everyone was able to see.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 59: Now In A Minute (While She Was Away Part Five)
Triage physician for the legion faction, the order faction, the coalition faction and the consortium during the war of the city states period 4130- 4218. was killed in an assault on the consortium headquarters in 4154.