Chapter One: The Plain Green Bottle
"me and the boy need two empty cups" "empty!" said the maid shocked.
Trusting Dragon
Take two peanut butter cups, and give one to ingrid, still allowing myself that highlight of my school day. the sweet, chocolate-covered, cup-shaped wad of peanut butter.
Imprefect thoughts and in imerfect mind
Both cups are even, i dropped coins two by two this whole time. i thin take my odd coin and add it to one cup and flip both cups face down. i point to one cup and say "this is the cup i added the odd coin too.
How my life changed
How my life changed 2 cups horse cum ½-cup water 1-tablespoon baby oil ½-cup hand cream with eucalyptus extract ¾-cup sugar if desired for texture (makes it rougher) 1 tsp hot sauce (if desired for pain) ½-cup ky jelly (for anal penetration
cider secrets (edited by rosedust)
Seeing as sharing half a cup would be too awkward she got down another cup and they started to drink.
cider secrets (by mugman)
Seeing as sharing half a cup would be too awkward she got down another cup and they started to drink.
writing exercise
As with the key, the cup is rusty but has a slight shine in the patches where rust hasn't yet claimed the cup as it's own. the cup, which as you look closer at, resembles more of a grail or a mug.
Chester's Hypnotic tea
The collie somewhat mesmerized by the spiral still formed in the cup "drink up now while it's still hot" the sheep chirps up again gesturing towards the cup.
Charnival 2010 - Abracadabra
As he drew the cup away jake felt the strangest sensation, his balls could still feel the inside of the cup but he could see the cup, now sitting upside-down on the table before him.
Tempergris' Shores [AAAA]
He moved the cup away and wrote around his new circle a few words, then placed the cup into the drawn circle again.
Djinn Chronicles - Mischief Night - 11pm
** sarah responded while she walked over and picked up the red cup off the floor. **"i want what was in this cup? and i want it now!!"** yelled sarah while pointing at the cup in her hand.
Life of a Thief: Interrogation
"please refill his cup detective." monica answers pointing at his cup. underwood takes his cup but not before giving loki a low growl which he paid no mind to as he never took his eyes off monica.