The Time Of Your Life
(smiles sweetly leaning into brute kissing him once more on the lips) black out (enter narrator from the back into spot-light) fade into narrator alone narrator: i'm not one to jump to conclusions here but is it just me or is trey a bit to preamp
I bid you greetings my friends you may call me Yuri, I am the God of History. My superiors have asked me to share some history and a very popular story with all of you. Though before I do begin, I'd like to ask everyone a question if that's alright....
A Nightly Stroll
A Nightly Stroll By Kazufox Time after time, Day by day, Sitting at the window looking out in wonder, Only to just gaze upon the outside world, While locked up in a fortress of a shelter. Then one night, My brother said to me, As...
Second-Hand Life
"You can't leave now," Luke says softly, his voice barely audible in the chilly autumn air. He stands up as if to leave, holding out a hand to stop me from following after him. I anxiously await his signal that all is well as he creeps along the filthy...
Hikers | by KitsuneJey
**Hikers** By _KitsuneJey_ "Our clothes and backpacks are safe under this tree, Nev. This part of the stream is secluded." "Only men who have sex with men hike to this part of the stream, Jey?" "Heh-heh, yeah! Only men who have sex...
Afternoon | by KitsuneJey
**AFTERNOON** A Poem by **KitsuneJey** _I meet your eyes_ _And smile you back,_ _While you undress_ _Beside the shore._ _Being good friends_ _Or perfect strangers_ _Got no point_ _To both of us._ _You believe in_ _First encounters;_ _I...
Vincent, Assistant: a micro-narrative
Brisk. "Vincent, do we have enough coffee for tomorrow?" Precise. "Only if I skip mine, sir." "I'd never have you skip your coffee, Vincent; I like you chipper." "That's very kind of you, sir." "Remind me to get some after work today." "Am I...
Writing Your Own Narrative
It had been no surprise to anyone that after the fire that happened to one of the apartment complexes in the area turned out to be an electrical short that the surrounding buildings would be inspected, but it still didn't make it any less infuriating...
Prologue - Out of Character
The wolf's head shot up, suddenly hearing a voice that seemed to be narrating everything he did. "show yourself!" cried the spooked wolf. "i cannot show myself," replied the voice. "i am the narrator.
As you know Bob, show don't tell: Srsly (7 shows, no tells!)
In that i'm using narrative techniques as soon as i start going on about 'damn cans' and 'some kid'. the difference is the narrator is, it would appear, john himself. if i wrote it like this - 'john walked down the street, hating every step.
Then Den: Episode One
narrator: then i left. i never bothered to actually tell christopher walken no.
Zion - Light of the New Moon (Pre-Start 2/3)
If that is the case, philip lightfeather will take over as narrator. myrh: the unknown narrator.