With a swish of her fluffy tail the puppy anthro crept into the dark room, looking to the huge canopy bed where her pet slept soundly. His grey tail folded over his back nose, his body covered in the thick grey fur that set him apart from other wolves....
While the Stars Dance
Country music poured out from pickup trucks scattered over the sloping land of the field. Pickup trucks with mud streaked from the tires up to the windows from the drive out to the patch of dirt and flattened grass in the midst of the field. "The...
Why You Shouldn't Sleep Late
"God, you're hot-" James sat back onto his feet, knees resting on the dingy carpeting as his eyes swept down over the golden-furred girl's chest where her breasts poked out, exposed with her t-shirt rolled up to show him her bra-less breasts. Then,...
Power To The Players!
Remember back in my post-commentary of chapter 25 i mentioned that my friend, the lovely and talented picklessauce69 was wheeling-and-dealing commissions for great prices? well, i got me one.
Taking a Nap (Illustrated)
A commission story for poesraven written by picklessauce69 based on an illustration ("a pleasant way to wake up" - http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13513671/) commissioned by poesraven and done by keedot (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/keedot).
Something Naughty
"Hello, Dove! I'm home! You won't believe what I saw coming back! A fresh peaches stand! So I bought a case and some fresh vanilla ice cream since I thought-" Kezhon's voice suddenly faltered and petered off into silence as the door clicked shut behind...
Kilig (Illustrated)
Kilig "Gosh, I think I'm going to puke." "It's going to be fine." "Easy for you to say! I'm so nervous! This is freaking me out!" Two, huge rounded green eyes flew up into the air to jab towards their focus, a shaggy haired jackal who stood feet...
I Double Dog Dare You
"Okay! Your turn! Truth or dare!" The feline turned her head sharply with a little, playful flourish for drama which sent her long, blonde hair splaying out down her back before it settled onto the blanket of purple fur coating her body. For a second,...
Cotton Balls
"Cheyenne!" A sudden shout bounced off the walls of her bedroom, forcing the groggy redhead to tug both earbuds from her ears. She'd been leaning over on her bed, long legs bare beneath short yoga-style shorts stretched out across the expanse of the...
The Beginning
"Rinnnnnggg!" The bell suddenly broke through the dull silence of the classrooms and consequently set every body in motion. Lecturers, freezing at their podiums or before diagrams mid-sentence to let the bell finish it's tolling scream, began to gather...
Better Than Milkshakes
"Mooom! Devan won't get out of the bathroom! I have to get ready! It's picture day!" The ocelot's voice bounced down the walls of the hallway, shrill and bell-like as it tolled in her mother's ears downstairs. Her foot stamped against the carpeting,...
Gotta Catch a Probopass!
"Oh my god!" A sudden shriek broke through the apartment, piercing right through the background moans of slain zombies crumbling to Nick's virtual feet as he spun on the television screen. In real life, the scream made his eyebrow perk up. "Skye?" He...