musket: chapter three
I'll be lucky if i don't end up getting ptsd from this he thought as he jumped once again from a dog barking, a pomeranian to be exact. he tried to focus on anything else to get his mind sidetracked, like the slight scent of someone barbecuing, but every time
Red Storm ch. 4
He had also wondered if he was suffering from some sort of ptsd, but he ruled that a little too extreme. maybe depression, he thought, was a better diagnosis. yuri watched the rain patter on the rubble and then looked at kiril again.
Rhannah and Halia 13
Can this veteran really treat her ptsd with a little tender love?
Part 4
Known to counteract the effects of ptsd, schizophrenia, and memory loss." the wolf looked at the pill for a moment before popping it into his mouth and swallowing it. for all he knew, it could have been poison.
Habits and patterns: okay, to say boomer has ptsd is a bit like saying the pope is a little bit catholic. this makes him socially avoidant, and depressive, and yes, he has triggers in loud, unexpected noises.
Brought into the Light: part 11: Sheath and Knife fiction
How long have you had this thing with ptsd?" "since the last time i came back." chancy replied. "and what can a doctor do? pills? therapy? i have to sit with a group of other.....canines.....and talk the same stuff?
A Thin Line - Part One: The Felon
His specialty is in war veterans struggling with post-combat mental disorders, like ptsd. he was renowned for his practices and success rate. he is often commemorated for his patience, which spans way further than anyone could imagine.
Yeah, there is a terrible war and ptsd and gruesome imagery tucked into the backstory. but everything else was overwhelmingly portrayed like a fairy-tale. too perfect. too happy. and the "villain" was simply the guy who could see through the bs.
. --- warning warning warning trigger warning for dark themes involving mental health, ptsd and abusive relationships!!! an experimental piece!!!
Zootopia: Working Things Out
"they taught us how to recognize the signs of ptsd, i should have realized you'd have that bad a reaction. maybe we should have started with just the cuffs or something, gone cautiously." "heh, good luck with that."
Living in the past: Chapter 1: Correspondences
Being a former soldier he would step in if things got shady in the bar, despite his schizophrenia and ptsd. then davis saw the figure that appeared to be julius move out of sight, then he felt himself being dragged away to the side of the bar. "davis..
CH2 Victim of Mare
James had secretly gone to a shrink in college and was diagnosed with ptsd, unsurprisingly. recurring nightmares were not the only symptom james showed.