The Dragon-slayer Gerard
Gerard's father, like all the other knights, had ventured bravely forth and bravely died in the talons of the dragon, but Gerard was crafty and began his quest by journeying far into the western forest where lived the Witch of Ancient Sorrows. Gerard...
"we will soon have our revenge..." "but how long must we wait? i grow weary by the day." he said, slightly angry. "i have done nothing but wait!" "you will bide your time, or you will die. follow my orders and you will be rewarded at last."
Crunch The berserk: prolouge
Thid is the strange story of a creature from the swamp. He is a alligator furry, and looks like any other of his kind. Large, reptilian, and built for huntung in the swamps he calls home. Around the time of his birth, a very strange thimg happened in...
Mental Therapy
This guy messes up his kid, and now you, and you still don't want full revenge?' i continued to stare at him. he sighed. 'okay, okay. no killing.' he pulled free and closed the door after him.
Mother's Revenge
**mothers revenge** ** ** **by** ** ** **dracofiend (allen)** ** ** \*i've seen a lot of stories and pictures recently that have cub's being cub napped, raped, and even snuffed.
Ch. 4 A Ruined World
Andross shall have his undying revenge on you, fox! i will kill you!" "no. no! i can't possibly be andross, he can't still be alive. it's just not possible...."
Dig six feet to Hell
Warning: this is a very twisted story that I came up with while watching sad movies and listening to sick and twisted songs. Use caution when reading this please. The sky the next morning was hazed with red on the clouded afternoon as poisoned...
Till Death Do We Never Part (Chapter 4: Plan It Out)
Her head is back on..and she discovers carrie is now a ghost. together, they try to find the mystery of how this has happened..and to take revenge on the reapers, and get there women back.
Till Death Do We Never Part (Chapter 3: Hunger)
They look at rak, as he was shaking with anticipation for the sweet desire for revenge."we'll do it." they both say.
Till Death Do We Never Part (Chapter 2: Second Chance)
Her head is back on..and she discovers carrie is now a ghost. together, they try to find the mystery of how this has happened..and to take revenge on the reapers, and get there women back. one eye opens.
Till Death Do We Never Part (Chapter 1: Attack)
Her head is back on..and she discovers carrie is now a ghost. together, they try to find the mystery of how this has happened..and to take revenge on the reapers, and get there women back.
The Plan
**by Hector Scofield. ** Edited and Corrected by Ben243 When I came out the closet, my parents were very supportive. Or at least they tried to be. After all there was Uncle Frank in New York, and if you considered mom's colleague Mary-Anne, who had...