Dr. Artemis' Journal, Entry 2
Artemis' journal, describing some of the unique biological processes of cano sapiens. (note: this is a companion piece to my story series "woofy and me," and occurs shortly after the events of that story.
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 1
Ironic that the evolutionary wonder child of ash, homo-sapiens, built many wondrous things that every living creature on earth was in awe of.
Chronicles of Silverhoof - General info
Felinus sapien: tiggs, magnar (tiggs is a forest feline) lupinites: fierce, bipedal wolfs, sometimes called howlers.
Worlds Apart - Chapter Three
"dan," bo asked, as he smoothed the rumpled hair on the sapiens man's head, "will you marry me?"
Filling the Void - Chapter Five
"i thought sapiens had a problem with only wanting blue-eyed infants, but this is even worse. he's absolutely adorable," dagen railed, "but nobody seems to want him once they learn he's not a baby!" "insane, isn't it?" the abbot agreed.
Worlds Apart - Chapter Eight
"sapiens shouldn't have that much hair." he deleted the message and flipped his comm shut.
The Scientific Inquirer, Article 1
Despite being a feline(felis catus sapiens), dr. harkins has long been engaged to her highschool sweetheart, one nina cole(38), a mouse(apodemus agrarius sapiens). as if that were not motivation enough, ms.
The Scientific Enquirer
Despite being a feline(felis catus sapiens), dr. harkins has long been engaged to her highschool sweetheart, one nina cole(38), a mouse(apodemus agrarius sapiens). as if that were not motivation enough, ms.
Publication I-1117
Humans partnered with cano sapiens often exhibit certain changes in behavior, including hypersexuality.
Interview with a Husky (pt 1)
But this was not a dog, it was a man, a cano-sapien. and oddly enough i was feeling stimulated in a way i never had before. well, perhaps before, but as an adolescent boy looking at a girl.
Worlds Apart - Chapter Nine
In this instance, that the sapiens man did not look at him while speaking was not an insult to the chef.
Filling the Void - Chapter Eleven
Dagen was well into his sixth hour of sleep when something small and warm poked his exposed arm. In a stupor he shuffled away from the intrusion, his tired body encouraging his mind to return to its rightful place beneath the evening tides. "Mister...