Sabre of Fox - prolouge

Lick my nose, so that i, the old veteran, could calm down. oh? purr? what? to continue? i?ll do! i?ve promised you to tell about jacob kitsunwit. but his story begins much more earlier before his birth. once noble, wulfchine?

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When the Wolves Come to Midgard

"wait wh-" the veteran hound felt his breath catch as lower tethers were exposed to the chilly seasonal air, briefs remaining but guarding his soft - yet thickening - malehood.

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WOLF - pt.1

Seasoned veterans at being arrested, i suppose. i sighed and raised my hands, lacing my fingers atop my head. i was something of a veteran at being taken in for questioning too.

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A Long Journey Home, The northward road

He was a veteran, for sure, but a veteran soldier, or a civilian who had once been a veteran? he didn't know. no irnathi soldier did really.

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6. My New Life-5

The response of the flight ops officer surprised me, he addressed nathan informally, looking over to him, i see a fire-scarred human in confed battle armor but his demeanor told me that he is confed veteran and it seems that amongst veterans especially confed

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Ryota's NSFW biography

He trained hard with the veterans of the tribe and the eldersnnoticed an immense power that was awakening in him. when evolves into greninja, he defeated the veterans easily and the elders decided to talk about his new powers.

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Going Home: Harland Part 5 of 6 (Excerpt)

Going home is a series that explores the city of tiranis through the eyes of eric clarkson, a returning veteran, who finds that the city has changed more than he expected in his absences.

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Happy Tree Friends Oneshots ch. 9

He immediately hid inside one of his cupboards, hoping that the crazed veteran wouldn't check there first. he heard the basement door open and slow footsteps around the living room.

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K'Jaar adventures 1

They saw a veteran screaming "no! get back for more help! he is still here!" nobuddy notiset him esect k'jaar.k'jaar hided in the tower with the veteran. a guard from outside of tower said "hey! cowars!


The Curse of Captain Lilly feat. Lifeforce

"get a stronger set of sea legs, boy." \* \* \* "congratulations, you vitriolic and violent band of inveterate veterans!"

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Brothers in Arms - When I get to the Green Building

A veteran of the korean war, she would listen to his stories for hours. tales of camaraderie, of passion, of terror, of loss. he captivated her.

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A Long Journey Home, Paths of Life

Releasing her, lucas looked up at the veteran sergeant and nodded once in respect. "sergeant." he said.

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