Finally Complete

#1 of short stories a flash fiction on intricacies of life, wolves, and spirits. the memories scattered like water drops as she motionlessly traversed the endless void.

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Flash Fiction Contest Entry at FurtheMore2019

Title: Retirement The sound from the explosion was deafening. All around him OWO sector agent Brian, codenamed 043, could see the fortress breaking apart and falling into the cliffside sea below. This was hardly new to the experienced gazelle. He had...

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Sex and Blood

The flames dance in the fireplace but the bed is cold; the show whirls outside but the room is still. I set down my glass, wondering if I have a drinking problem, wondering if werewolves can have a drinking problem. The notebook is open; the paper is...

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Flash Fiction: Training the Perfect Puppy

"Ready for this, boy?" Alex stood behind Toby, holding the leash in one paw and the last piece of gear in his other. The bear's hot, humid breath landed heavily on Toby's neck, and the otter couldn't suppress a shiver of anticipation before he looked...

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Furthemore Flash Fiction 2022 - Fedora

This was my entry for the furthemore 2022 flash fiction contest. the topic was the roaring 20's, so enjoy a little story about some hidden love way back when.

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Flash fiction pieces (2013-2016)

Each year, confuzzled holds a flash fiction contest, with entries limited to five sentences. here're some entries of mine from 2013 to 2016, all bundled up together. (tags therefore a bit random...) tricky fox is quickly running.

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Flash Fiction: Got Your Wish

Just a quick little thing, from a weird idea that popped into my head (do you guys like flash fiction? i hope so!). :3 i wasn't sure what to categorize this as. it has a lot of the tones (and genitalia) as a cv or unbirth scene. but... it's not!

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Flash Fiction 1: The German Sheppard

For those who don't know, "flash fiction" refers to very short stories, usually less than 400 or so words. tell me what you think!


Pages From a Dog’s Diary #3

It really doesn't take much - a warm space under the kitchen table, the simmering kettle on the polished stove - Mrs Grant's quiet humming of a popular song.You could also say, it takes a whole lot, but mostly it's the sum of tiny things that makes...

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Pages From a Dog’s Diary #2

**Pages From a Dog's Diary #2** There is a strange old house on Thistle lane. I've always believed it was vacant, but today I saw something that makes me stop and look at the curious house, whenever I pass by; if for just a moment. The house...

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Monthly Hunt

Werewolf hunting is an art. It's a little disgusting, sure, and not always worth the risk. Sometimes you stumble home in half a pair of pajamas because your dumb ass didn't think to pack extra _extra_clothes. Sometimes there's not a goddess above or...

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