New Vet in Town

New Vet in town. And he has a hidden agenda. The big Clydesdale stallion and his three son's had come in from working in the fields. To have their lunch, and say eating quietly. When he had finished Cameron...

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A Fresh Start

Iris closed her eyes, and took a breath. Underneath all the scents of the country alchemist's office, she caught her own musk. It was not an aroma she was used to. "Alright, exhale." She complied, acutely aware of the ear resting on her chest,...

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Chapter 10: Sick day

Chapter 10 Sick day I woke up alone. I'd woken up by myself for as long as I can remember but this was my first time waking up alone. Having experience the warmth, comfort and security of being physically and emotionally close to people having...

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Hell Week P. 35-77

Ana was quieter, though not entirely still. Nai sat up with him for the rest of the night--at least, for the scant handful of hours that counted as night. Ortice made no further complaints, now that Ana wasn't kicking him anymore. Bazlio had Oz to look...

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Hell Week p. 1-35

The litter was heavy, his back ached, and the rope was cutting into his hands. What he wouldn't have given for a cart, just one cart, a simple one with four wheels like a peddler might drive. He wouldn't even ask for an ox or a donkey. He wouldn't mind...

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No Good Deed Chapter 3: The happy doctor

Despite the shirt coming almost to my knees, the nurse seemed incapable of holding me so that the thick white padding on my rump wasn't visible to every passerby in the halls. A chorus of cooing noises and awwws followed me as we passed a few gaily...

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Guro Challenge #4: Piercings/Body Modification

"Dad, I really don't think you should be doin' this yourself." "Oh, pshaw, young feller, am I to trust the job to your tremblin' paws?" "They ain't tremblin'!" Cheek tucked his paws behind his back to hide his lie. "Just think this is still gonna...

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Chapter 12

"Relax, would you? It's a simple training exercise." Zericho sauntered confidently down the hallway, leading the more reluctant human to one of the identical looking doors that stretched out before them. He had proposed this experiment when Nate had...

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390 In The High Places

Save Point: In The High Places The Battle Of Kalikshutra "_What is this place?" she demands, of curiosity, when they come to a height on which seven spurs of yellow-grey stone, like the bones of the world exposed, curve upward to form a cradle...

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Tail's of The Crimson Claw- Chapter 19

As with a natural disaster, when weighting for all hell to brake loose there is always that nearly unbearable period of nerve racking calm that, in many ways, is worse then the actual combat itself. This is because you have time to think about...

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The Secret Life of Joseph Davidson

"So, I'll be going to the salon to get my headfur done and I'll be back this afternoon," Joanne said. She was a beautiful vixen and Joseph felt very glad to have her but there were times when the two were apart both physically and psychologically, that...

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Recovery 1

Okay, this one carries the standard warnings that you really shouldn't be looking at it unless you like grotesque furry porn, as well as a warning that it's got a scene it it that actually made me retch while I was writing it. The bit with the milk in...

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