Care Bears Family Adventures, The Cold Wars C2

As the meeting dispersed, love heart pulled his children as well as noble heart, true heart and their youngest children aside.

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The Outlander 3 32

"sandy has a noble heart and gentle spirit. he is a true samurai," said tigerlilly. "wataru has asked me to return with you and aid you in the battle that lies ahead.

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Always More Kobolds

Clad in shining armor and bearing a noble heart, sir algar stood outside a dark cavern. the indomitable paladin did not fear the challenges ahead. after all, the villagers who had asked for his help had said the cavern contained kobolds, nothing more.

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But behind those deep blue pools of her eyes, lay an intelligent mind... and a noble heart... she was well on her way to becoming a leading figure in the clan when the disaster struck... she finally got a look at her new home...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 47

"that's right," noble heart scooped down to pick up the only two pieces that remained of the radiant heart crystal, each no larger than a raisin, "we'll keep caring together, no matter what happens." "then that's how we'll fix the earth!"

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 2

Most of the care bear family had dispersed to show the star fox team around the kingdom of caring, except for fox and fara who also sat in the waiting room along with true heart and noble heart.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 2: Chapter 19

noble heart vaulted over the seat as love heart whispered something to confidence so quiet only she could hear. confidence sighed and nodded then re-buckled her seatbelt as noble heart took off back to the kingdom of caring.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 2: Chapter 6

noble heart tried to chomp down on love heart wit his massive maw, but love heart dodged back and struck out at no-heart, his swords merely glancing of no-heart's tough hide.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 10

True heart did a little twirl in place, "and you should see noble heart," her face flushed and she giggled and toyed with the radiant heart crystal attached around her neck, "i haven't felt this energetic since we started the care bear family."

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Mitriaria (chapter 33)

'he's a common human being with no special ability, but he's brave and noble-hearted. his name is demitrius.' 'i don't know that species,' he admitted. 'i think i've heard about it before.' 'that twerp is the only one i can put my trust in.'

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Other Poem's

heart, a white furdragoness with a soul pure like snow they helped him in his time of need, they helped him see the light and leave his shell behind "thank you fire.","for helping me see the light and help me live again."

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Secrets Under the Roses - NIMH - P1/4

Sullivan was such an obedient fellow, he was very intelligent though and had a noble heart just like most of the rats, he like jenner believed that there was risk in going to thorn valley, but neither of them were not dreamers.

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