Lumeria's biography
Name: Lumeria Gender: Female Parents: Amphy (Ampharos) - Kenneth (Delphox) Species: White Ampharos Type: Electric/Psyquic Birthplace: Santalune Forest Current Location: Unknown Personality: Very intelligent and friendly, motherly, a little shy...
Ace's biography
Name: Ace Gender: Male Parents: Amphy (Ampharos) - Jin (Zoroark) Species: Hybrid Ampharos/Zoroark Type: Electric/Dark Birthplace: Lostlorn Forest Current Location: Unknown Personality: Very mistrustful, distant, naughty, provocative, proud of...
Lily's biography
Name: Lily Gender: Female Species: Cinccino Type: Normal/Fairy Birthplace: Limecross Town (Unova Borderline), Twowaves Town (20 km near Mossdeep City - Hoenn) Current location: Lumiose City (Kalos) Personality: Very sociable with everyone but...
Hades biography
Name: Hades Gender: Male Parents: Unknown Species: White Typhlosion Type: Fire/??? Birthplace: Unknown Current Location: New Bark Town Personality: quick-tempered, distant, distrustful and serious at first. Is Cordial, curious, intelligent,...
Aqueus biography
Name: Aqueus Riverthorne Gender: Male Parents: Ake Myklebust\* (Gallade) / Faith Riverthorne (Floatzel) Species: White Floatzel Type: Water/Psyquic Birthplace: Abyssal Town Personality: Energetic, smart, protective, honest, generous, helpful...
Arionne biography
Name: Arionne Gender: Female Species: Sylveon Type: Fairy Birthplace: Lotus Town Personality: Friendly, affectionate, thoughtful, very sociable and likes to help others. Appearance: Quadruped mammal covered mainly with pale cream-colored fur...
Lilavasi Biography
Lilavasi Lionheart was born November 14, 1989. She was born two loving parents, Nicholas and Alexis. The world had progressed enough that by the time Lil was eighteen in 2007 she?d be able to genetically manipulate herself so that her fur was purple on...
Biography of Volume
In honour of my recent story i submit this documented biography of the newly introduced hero that appears :) character by me.
Edwyn's biography.
During the times around 0000 CD, a charmeleon named Charlie married a salandit named Shawn. Then as the salandit became a war hero to stop Ivy and her Hexwing soldiers, apparently, Charlie realized he passed away after he was taken to a camp by...
Jurash "goju" Sulfam (French version)
biographie : jurash est née dans la région parisienne, en france, mais c'est une période dont il se rappelle peu du fait d'un déménagement quand il avait 9 ans pour débarquer en sarthe, dans le nord ouest du pays.
Jurash "goju" Sulfam
**biography :** jurash was born near paris, france, but this is a period he doesn't remembers well because of a move in sarthe when he was 9 years, in the north west of the country.
Angel a biography name ; asa "angel" chino age ; 17 years race ; liath element ; unknown. angel is the daughter of the cosaint eliza icethorn and the oclasian darkan chino. like all liathians, angel was feared from birth.