Claude and the Chocolate Horse

We both deliver on the same day but i take much longer to birth evan's huge chocolate foal, but he is gorgeous, looking just like his handsome sire. bill jr is as hot as his zebra dad.

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The Simple Things. Chapter Nineteen.

It had to be after midnight when i retired with richard, the chocolate labrador already in a sleep induced stupor by the time i managed to get him to crawl into bed.

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The Simple Things. Chapter Eleven.

The chocolate labrador groaned loudly, unashamed or uncaring if anyone heard as he grunted deeply. his dull nails gripped one of the pillows tightly and the other hand held my head with an even stronger grip.

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The Simple Things. Chapter Ten.

I didn't even notice the fact the sneaky chocolate labrador had brought the syrup with him until i was flat on my back and the warm sticky sugar was poured over my chest with a hungry hound look down at me.

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The Simple Things. Chapter Seven.

I still hadn't seen that upbeat chocolate lab, though that was mostly my own fault. seeing mr.

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Carmel Center (TF, Object, MF)

He could taste the chocolate as well. it was strange, he wasn't just covered with chocolate it was something deeper, but as the flavor washed over his tongue he found himself smiling.

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A Forlorn Love Part 4

That's when i noticed a chocolate lab with a grey and blue checkered sweater was standing in the door. smiling at the fact that he had just caught me enjoying the aroma of the food that his wife was preparing for us.

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Slightly AFTER Thanksgiving Special!

The big wolf's gaze was centered directly on the bowl of hot chocolate, and it became even more obvious, to marilen, that xavyr loved chocolate by the minute. soon, they both grabbed a few light things.

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Roscoe - Meet the Weredog Character

It's evening when roscoe continues his interrupted walkies, and you find yourself looking forward to tomorrow's midday cup of hot chocolate.

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Aurorette's Bakery

His fingers slipped out of her, to her distress, but were quickly reintroduced a few thrusts later, his fingers warm and dribbling with chocolate, and began pumping into her again with a new vigor.

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