Out and About
I yearned to come out of the closet, i want to show and tell i'm gay. however, papa is a christian who gave me gifts from above. "being yourself has a reason my son," he told me with love.
Tropical Revised - Chapter Seven
"come on, otter." cloud slowly followed rye out of the pool, where they hugged and nuzzled a little bit before heading straight for the locker room.
Tropical - Chapter Ten
That's an unusual tactic to come out though rye." "hi guys," rye rolled his eyes. "it wasn't intentional." "we're just playing," said mark.
The Love they Shared Part 9
I have some great ideas for the next up coming chapters so stay tuned for more, cas it gets really good. there is also a change of pace (you'll see what i mean).
Heart of Ice Ch.7
"coming!!" i shouted back, heading downstairs. i sat down at my usual spot as my mom slid a piece of steak on my plate, scooping in a spoonful of corn and carrots also. i immediately dug in, going for the steak first.
GSA chapter:3
Derek walked towards his room but he was stopped "derek come here please!" his dad called. derek walked in to the dining room "yeah dad?"
Finding One's Way; Chapter 2 - Luke
come to think of it, i never really looked or thought about a girl that way...it didn't matter though; i guessed it would come in time. after diner, we played a game as a family like we did every friday, and tonight it was the game of life.
Finding One's Way; Chapter 1 - Michael
_we really should tell him, it's not the best idea for him to think she'll come back_ i thought. "...and mrs. kay said i did a good job coloring in the lines!" he smiled over at me and i congratulated him. you could see his chest puff in pride.
Vince and Rocky: Chapter 5
FIVE It had been two weeks since the big party in Keff's building (which, in fact, got six people expelled, and got Keff put on probation), and Vince was actually passing his classes and his training, for once. His roommate was constantly keeping an...
Whoa didn't see this coming part 1
Johnny got up and put on his favorite panties it was white and has red hearts "come on fuzzy butt lets go have more fun" said johnny and dukey fallowed him to his bedroom to be coutinued part 2 coming soon
My Story Ch1
**NOTICE: Jake and Adrian are my mine, so are the others even though they aren't that important they are still mine.** Hi, my name is Jake. I'm a wolf with dark brown fur and I'm six foot even. I'm gay, but not openly. Only two other people know....
Chapter 2-Seize The Day
"all he told us if we can come for a visit." "let's go inside, i have a bad feeling that he may want to commit suicide." they both walked up the steps and carlos rang the doorbell.