Star Hopper Chapter 9
Whoever this is, they're a half-breed." while they were trying to figure that out, a low hum from the front of their cell alerted them.
Black Mesa: Inbound
#2 of half-life and thus, the story is underway! enjoy. "oh shit, i'm gonna get fired for being this late!" i said, looking down at my watch, which still read 8:47 as i sat down in the train, panting from both my rush and the caffeine.
Mind you, hearing "doctor manford to report to the clinic" over and over again would be sure to make anyone fall asleep within a good half hour.
Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.13 - The Path of Sin: Ifrit And Ixion
half the distance to the hole the lightning flared out of control. xavier altered his course slightly and jumped at the wall instead. xavier hit the wall running. almost immediately the lightning started hitting the wall where xavier had been.
Silent Hill - Chapter 1
Prologue "...I don't know why they did this to me. I didn't do anything to the people who lived in this town. I was a good little boy, yet some of the people who lived here believed me to be evil incarnate for some reason. This group of Baptist...
Resonance Beginning
Eli closed hir eyes and watched as the wolfess worked hir maw, but soon pushing away, murring softly, only half meaning what she next spoke, "i..
The Darkness Within
Now that my body was smoking, half my clothes burned off and my chest was on fire i wondered why i wasnt dead.
Miranda's Ognesha Memories 1
"i'll have some things to say about her meself," the half-orc says, combing her hair and heading toward the mirror. "bloody hells, that first deck got me good, din'it?
Lost pt-2: Ties
The half dragon spoke, watching the flames dance. the girl nodded, and quietly pulled out a roll of bandages.
Akara's night
"if you insist my lady." he replies with a half stifled yawn. not long after the two are deeply asleep in each other's arms, content to just be together until the morning.
seqeal to 'david the demon' segment 2
She then lays back down. " two scar you are half angel right. so you can take confessions." twocar shook his head up and down slowly as one of the light orbs fade away. " i can pass it along for you."
Star Hopper Chapter 8
Within seconds the crazed half-breed lay sleeping soundly on the ground under the powerful wolves. "what was that all about?"