All about Evocanis (Part 2): Origins
Confused, the first genesis individuals woke from their cryogenic slumber. "good morning, evocanis..."
The Guilded Cage, World Introduction, part 2
Almar are created by like minded individuals of a marginalized race.
DC Criminal Profile: Anomaly
This individual is extremely dangerous. any incidents involving this individual should be handled only by authorized personnel with level ten clearance or above.
DC Criminal Profile: Berserker
Itsuo takahara's rampage resulted in the deaths of fifteen individuals and over three million dollars of property damage.
Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Background Information 3: The Magical Realm
Otherwise, each individual world mostly governs itself, only rallying behind the auspices of their princesses when great need makes its demands known.
Meet Me in the Hanger
She would have normally shirked this kind of thing off, but she held a certain softness for this particular individual that she was going to meet.
Hunting Death- Leaving Town
In any event i get a concerned look from this new individual and from hashal. "i'm okay," i groan, shaking my head a bit to try and clear out the remnants of the sensation.
Noah Kitsu's Bio.
Bio: he's a passionate and clever individual who enjoys being with his friends, especially rammy.
Grah's Convention
So sensitive were the receptors that the pattering of single individuals hundreds of feet away would be felt.
Twilight Fading
Or are you an individual? if you find out... let me know.
Perennial Creeper Classifications
This makes them very difficult to spot but is probably the least dangerous out of all the infections than any individual.
Encyclopedia: Ta'rall
An individual who is permanently banished is marked with a special colored liquid which is splashed over their entire body. the liquid stains the individual's scales and skin, marking them as banished.