Ghosts and GoPros

His eyes refused to believe it although he'd seen the grainy low-res videos his fellow paranormal enthusiasts always claimed to be the definitive evidence.

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Cayden Wilde in Calling the Shots – Episode 1

Catered for both norms and paranorms. sirens and paranorms that could cast magic weren't allowed to strip though. too many people filed lawsuits - and won - about paranorms 'casting spells' that made them spend lots and lots of cash.

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When bark turns to bite- The Collar

When they got to the other side they were in an actual subway station with a large board showing all the stops and lots of strange beings walking around of the paranormal variety.

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The Deadky tail

Detective terry king will run into the paranormal and the killer. rating; pg-13 for horror, violence. more to come


Professional Phantasm Pursuit

If paranormal activity really does cause freezing temperatures, then you're pretty sure whatever ghosts haunt this manor aren't here. "any activity?" carlos chirps over the radio. "nope, nothing," gene replies.

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Cayden Wilde in Calling the Shots - Episode 2

Seabirds squawked as they fluttered around and scavenged for food while people and paranorms milled around the dock heading towards the boardwalk.

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In His Mind

#6 of paranormal detective agency eventually, the bottle of fine spirit wine was finished and the two changed into their regular outfits. steel made sure that his gun was loaded, cultists rarely listened to logic and reason.

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Of Vampires and Men

#3 of paranormal detective agency sabrina had lined up another contract which took steel out into the middle of nowhere. a small rural town without much value or reason to visit.

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Tiny Winged Things

#8 of paranormal detective agency vanessa had made a friend online, and they grew close quickly.

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Another Day

#7 of paranormal detective agency steel encounters his greatest challenge this week, though a pesky demon lord proves to be a nuisance. steel reached towards the sky and summoned pegasus, the flying horse.

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Spooktober 2020—(Horror/Tickling/Paws)

Will our two paranormal researchers finally uncover the secret? pale moonlight spilled into camila's bedroom-cum-office, making the white bottoms of her feet--crossed under the base of her office chair--glow like polished clamshells.

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Through the Cracks - And Lay Ghost Hands on Everything

"the third point is the suspiciously high correlation between significant quartz deposits in the ground and paranormal experiences.

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