Pressures of A Double Life (4/4)
They were two rubber skunk drones and a latex wolf, the three knowing only the pleasure that their bodies gave one another.
Black Magic
The feeling of bliss that invaded my rubber mind overwhelmed me; i wanted nothing more than to feel rubber, to experience rubber, and to be rubber.
Handle With Care (5/5)
The rubber dragon yelped slightly as he suddenly was slid out from underneath the rubber snow leopard and was sat up by the two thick rubber tentacles that had sprouted from serathin's back.
Being a Good Steward
The pink latex padding and slither towards him.
The Surprise Demonstration
Vyrnen's eyes widened when he saw the rubber dragon spread his hands out and every last piece of rubber that was around the floor rise up.
Rubber Flower Trap
It felt just like the rubber flower did, but much more soft and elastic. the skintight nature of the outfit felt very nice at the touch, it was like the rubber heightened her skins sensitivity.
Unauthorized for a Reason
As anzox felt the latex underneath his fingers he could feel his body tremble, especially when the rubber dragon drone didn't do the same.
Well-Deserved Vacation (1/2)
As the rubber continued to spread and envelop the rubber dragon the power that was being leeched off of him in order to keep him docile and in the throes of pleasure began to affect the garden around him.
From Bargain Bin to Premium Prototype (1/2)
The entire time the latex leaves continued to grow those glowing latex pods and coat the sabrewolf with it, though most of it was dripping off him now as the rubber already on his body had formed the thick glowing blue catsuit in its entirety.
How to Enter Dragon Heaven - The Aviary (2/2)
Soon you will be such a good rubber dragon, and a good rubber dragon does what he is told. a good rubber dragon obeys."
My New Rubber Pet
More pre leaked from his tip, the latex letting it through to slicken his shaft, the rubber shining brightly.
The Mask Makes the Man
Started to sprout latex feathers.