Silent Inquisition (Act1, Book2, Chapter2)

"it's been a year, and justiciar reinhardt never came to kill me, okay? it's over. it's in the past." "karla, that's not what i meant! supernatural people were just targeted and killed en masse in various locations all over the place.

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Building to the Climax (Book6, Chap19)

"they don't fire bullets," said the reinhardt. "you can stop very fast objects, karla. it's quite impressive. but you're worthless against the speed of light, my dear.

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Fursonae X Machina: Episode 4 - Broken Wings

"i think colonel reinhardt just didn't expect you to lavish us with gifts." she smiled and took hold of the alien's hand.

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Negotiations (Chap12, book8)

But the justiciar who made the final judgment was an american named reinhardt st. leonard." "yeah? and?" joseph senior frowned. "apparently that man was behind the attacks in 2023. so he betrayed his race.

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Setting the Stage (Chapter14, book8)

Falcon's buddy, reinhardt, killed the first man i loved. another one of falcon's pals, nichole, made it sound like they did something to my father. and you know what? i can't do anything about it yet. so i sit down here and i brood.

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Planning Period (A1, B1, C9)

I'm being flown out to chicago to treat the rather extensive injuries of one mister foster, who works for reinhardt st. leonard, the grand justiciar." "i see. he's the one who attacked me in france.

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Warring Kingdoms 1- Brenly

Prince and high general benjamin reinhardt lupin's private quarters were larger than brenly would ever have permitted himself to imagine for a

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Mourning Wake (A1, B11, C17)

You boys didn't really get to know reinhardt, but he's a ... he's not a good person. and it the rumors are true that he killed his way to the presidency, then you two will have to be the ones that have a trial and carry out a sentence."

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Reunited (Book9, Chap4)

"he bargained with reinhardt st. leonard. he surrendered himself, and received a lethal injection in exchange for my pardon. i apparently made tamamo promise me that if chance died, she would remove my memories because i knew i'd lose my shit.

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Glass Soldier (Act1, Book2, Chapter5)

reinhardt** crossed his arms over his chest. the englishman had a _hint_ of asian features, mostly his eyes. his jawline, his cheeks, and his hairline spoke of his strong anglo saxon heritage.

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Hunter's Moon: First Conflict

Richard "dick" reinhardt, was down due to appendicitis. "i read you five by five private. don't shout" s/sgt. mikhail "mig" al-assad replied. the half-russian was once a spetsnaz operative until he was compromised on his last mission.

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Federal Holiday (Act1, Book2, Chapter15)

He worked for reinhardt." "ms. howard ... let me explain something to you." the man placed his pen on his desk and folded his hands. "i brought you up here because i already knew who you are." "yes, i already mentioned that a moment ago."

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