Silence of Oppression

Inside the green 2500 suburban jamison laughed his m4 sticking out the rear passenger window as they sped away at over 110 mph with their four vehicle convoy.

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Cats and Dogs

The scenery was gradually shifitng from suburban to a cityscape, meaning their ride was almost over. a blinding pain speared its way up his spine, and rushing out his mouth in a piercing shriek.

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Furries University Chapter 1: Going Away (V.2)

Outside, his tiny suburban brick house sat in a culdasac many kids frantically playing games as they passed balls back and forth; back and forth; side to side.

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Halloween Clue pt. 1

But there i was, halloween night, standing in front of some mansion in my small suburban town.

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Meeting the Death Furs The Seduction of Ralph (Chapter 3)

Once we are both ready me meet up in the hall way with the rest of the band and head out to the suburban and pile in, with aaron and me in the front and shaz, tony and chris in the back.

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First Impressions

The curious couple stood outside the front door of a modest suburban home. alex put his handpaws on the sides of her arms and squeezed them a little. "i've told my folks all about you...all about _us,_ so just be yourself, okay?"

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Lost at a strange world chapter 2

The human said to himself looking out of a window seeing his suburban parked in front of the house. he looked up in the sky noting that the sky is a lighter blue than the sky at earth. "what is going to happen to me and kris?

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Cobalt Amps Up - Commission for MeisterLi!

Her squeal nearly deafened him as it rattled the doomed suburban home to its core, walls quaking from every shift of the slender cyborg's immensity. "you should've told me that program you were working on was so cool!

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Cobalt Amps up! By Starforge!

Her squeal nearly deafened him as it rattled the doomed suburban home to its core, walls quaking from every shift of the slender cyborg's immensity. "you should've told me that program you were working on was so cool!

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A Starlit Winter Night

Sighing together, the duo eased their gazes to the heavens, observing a clear night sky, stars reaching all around- and for an infinitesimal moment- bringing the teens into a separate universe than the suburban lives they lived in physically.

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SPOT: X Marks The Spot - TV Show Pilot (Original Treatment)

With her blond hair, pink sweater and pearl necklace, she gives the strong impression of being a typical suburban housewife...perhaps too strong an impression.


Not So Simple ~Part 5

This was the central coordination point for the entire suburban defensive front. take this out, and it'll just spread confusion as suddenly no one is on the same page, and reinforcements don't go where they're needed.

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