Dead Reign: Bipolar (Part 1)
Wonder if any of my classmates survived... ziva was relaxing on a cot in the far corner of the room, just watching me.
Tales of Adventure Chapter 4
What coins had kept were quickly spent on food, and within days after he had resorted to more unsavory means of survival, which lead to this point in time that he seemed to be recalling.
Furry Friendly Preaching And Poetry
My time is up, my time is up, says the voice in my head sans Fluoxetine, Vistaril, and Topomax. A multitude of nasty weapons, and vicious scenes, whirl through my mind, attempting to intimidate me. A chopped up thing, a steamrolled brother, an angry...
Icebound - Chapter 5
**Cormanthor Forest, 1372 DR. 29th day of Highsun.** Aiden awoke to an incessant ache in his arm and a sunbeam in his eyes. Squinting, he looked around. He was still in the forest. Alive. He almost wished he weren't. He lay curled up on his...
SoulBound Tags: clean, human,raccoon,survival,mild supernatural.
# # _soul-bound_ **by jereth,** **7/23/--** tags: clean,human, raccoon,survival, mild supernatural " **it is not done my brother!"
Interstellar Darkness
Interstellar Darkness Chapter 1: Duska POV: I groan, as I and the others wake up to the sound of the gong at 6:00 AM I.S.T.(Intergalactic Space Time). We are given 10 minutes to get dressed and in line for the mines. I got on my Jeans and a...
Survival Suits
#1 of woof space cadets the space cadets are introduced to survival suits. the cadets sat attentively in the auditorium on the first day of classes.
Surviving the Impossible
Then i might just survive to see another day! i finally have a way to repay you for that day. but you will be very different than you used to be. thank you. my old friend. "we've got a live one here!" consciousness slowly began to return to me.
Scavenging for Survival
"i can understand and respect the survival instinctdmitri. let'ssee if we can survive together."
Survival and Death
If dil and ichy survived, then they wouldn't have much to worry about. but if chomper survived, that's a whole different story. "littlefoot?" rex said, looking at his longneck friend. "hmm?" "what are you looking at?" "oh...nothing."
Trying to Survive
At the center of the village there were a number of vendors set up with everything one would need to survive. winston had to pull his sister away from a table of knickknacks and led her out of the town.
Survival of the fittest
The cloudy afternoon was upon the mountain forests on the far north lands of Japan. Shiro, a wolf ninja who was travelling through the country in the search for a settling place, was jumping through the trees in absolute stealth. His body was almost...