Universe of Conflict- Chapter Four
"good job lad, you learned your way around to not be using the machines well. remember; drink! drink! drink! you almost fainted from the heat, as your leaving drink!"
The Club, The lust, The Wolf... Chapter 5
Your throat will be used without consideration, your ass will be used without mercy..." the threat was only half way real, the timber wolf trying to scare the pup more than actually ever intending that fate for him.
Chronicles of Daddy part 1: The beginning and the deal.
**used** in my **special**...
Dragon Harem Side Story: A Pony's Reward
You're just a pony, waiting to be used, not a stallion waiting to stud." he shivered, whimpering and whining at the truth of it. his throat absently clenched and swallowed, taking down joshua's cum even as the mouse pulled back.
A Treasure of Time 5
Or something that'd be useful in the long term?" _you just want an excuse to let olag allow you to get fucked._ "yes and no. i thought it might be useful, and besides, free treasure for you at the end of this.
[steamcradles are charged canisters that must be used within a week or they burn out. about four inches long and brick-shaped, they are stolen by the unseelie fey and intelligent animals sometimes to keep warm or to power gadgets.
The crystall skull - Short background history
The political influence was strong enough to be used for such actions. it wasn't long though before greedy eyes turned towards the riches of ankh'ahn.
Portals CYOA CH6
I can't really describe it all that well, but i think this is a portal to somewhere. already ready and waiting to be used.
Anthropia: Food Chain and Slavery
Pleasure slaves are reserved for entertainment purposes, the most common of all being used for sexual needs.
Pandora's Templar - Chapter 38
Tell them to ignore it all for now, but that we'll be using it later to take them to txra'kon we'er for healing."
Zion - Light of the New Moon, Reader Contribution, Pt 2
Occupation may also be used to supplement other sub-traits relating to it.
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 4
Because what you are saying, if it is possible, sounds more than a little dangerous to the one that it is being used upon, even with the safeguard of protecting secret information."