Welcome to Equestria chapter 7

** ~~~~Chapter 7~~~~ ** ~~~~Run of the Mill~~~~ * * * So... Chapter 7. This is going to be fun. Mostly. If we make sure everything goes well. But of course, things don't go our way most of the time. Ah well, more fun for you guys...

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My Little Pony Season 5

I do not own my little pony so don't sue.

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Rape Is Bad and You Should Feel Bad

This story is my little pony: friendship is magic fanfiction. "go on, piss already. i'm gonna be late." butch's dog took its sweet time sniffing at the bush. it then looked at its master and whined.


Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia - Foreword

Foreword This foreword is being written after I am already a little way into writing the third chapter of this tale. I've stopped, gone back and added this little snippet before the intro. This is because of a thought I had while...


Prologue: Primary Sources

"Disaster in the Celestial Sea: Search Underway for Survivors of North Star Sinking." _Canterlot Post_. 4 January, 1135. BALTIMARE - Pegasus search teams were deployed late last night in search of survivors from the _SS North Star_. The...

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Freundschaft ist Verantwortung

# Freundschaft ist Verantwortung Die Sonne stand hoch am Himmel an diesem kalten Novembertag. Doch der tiefblaue, blitzeblank gefagte Himmel war geradezu ein Hohn, wenn man sich in Erinnerung rief, was gerade in ganz Equestria und auch in den...

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It Was Supposed To Be A Costume Chapter 3

Well she was a big fan of my little pony and loved seeing the wonderbolts which apparently were the shows version of the blue angels and wish she could be like them. she bought the out fit for laughs for herself.

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And it was such a good day too

Partly because i am a fan of my little pony. but mostly because of how i feel about life. i feel i need to write it out.

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Breaking the Barrier: To the library!

"But nopony-" Twilight starts. "Yea, I know that nopony has ever gone into space before. And that most of the people who study it say that it's impossible. But since when have I turned down an opportunity to prove myself? I retort. "Rainbow,...

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Misperceptions v2

Misperceptions v2 By: Thea Winters Adapted from the original "Misperceptions" by Arbiter Balemead 1: Guilt Twilight Sparkle thought it was a perfect summer day in Ponyville. The sky was a textbook shade of blue without a cloud in sight. The...

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Night's Children

little pony belongs to hasbro there was darkness around her looking like mist.

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MLP - Death to Friendship - A birth of a new age.

**Family** Thousands of years ago before Star Swirl the Bearded past away, he cast a spell to bring all ponies together. This spell called forth the Windigoes a powerful snow beast, soon after Equestria was born and Chaos was not pleased. In the...

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