Evening Shift

I was sitting outside in the communal office recreation area, eating my lunch, when my phone moaned at me. I paused, looking at it lying on the table in front of me. My heartbeat sped up. The moan was the sound I'd configured it to make when I got...

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Desert Rut

Dust, and sand, and heat. Karnal slumped in the saddle, holding onto the reins listlessly and feeling the plodding motion of his mount below him. He stared forward with an unfocused look. Nothing but sand and rocks, far into the distance. He wiped...

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Fair's Fair

"Yeah, suck my fat dick, daddy-o..." Cebrin spluttered and choked, trying to breathe around the monstrous tube of flesh blocking his throat. He looked up at Billy with tears in his eyes, but his son either didn't notice or didn't care. Probably the...

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Where the Wild Things Are

Inja stared out of the tour bus window, watching the savannah bouncing past as they trundled along the rough dirt road. The fans above his seat whined, doing their best to keep the heat under control, but failing. The wild dog flicked at his face now...

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A Visit from Sven

The video started out black. Scrabbling noises played as something scratched over the microphone. After a few seconds, there was motion in the darkness; the auto-focus kicked in, and dark horse fur could be seen, pressed tightly against the lens. Then...

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A Side of Venison

"Ale! Ale! Ale! Ale!" Pewter mugs thumped heavily against the table, approximately matching the rhythm of the chant. Some landed firmly, making the makeshift trestle shudder; others hit it at more of an angle, simultaneously spilling liquid onto...

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The Best Recipe

Sunlight woke Noel, a bright beam sneaking around the curtains to press insistently against the sabre-tooth's eyelids. He scrunched them tighter, making an upset noise and then batting at it with a paw. "G'way," he mumbled. The sun ignored him. He...

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Employee of the Month

"_Diamond! Diamond! Diamond!_" Atlas tried to focus on the orders his customers were making. "So, uh, that's one... Moscow Mule..." "_Woo!"_ "_Yeah, baby!_" "Uhm..." Atlas stared down at his blank notepad. "And... one Moscow Mule..." ...

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The afternoon storm had rolled in unexpectedly, catching the group of them unawares and without brollies. It was Dalarius who ran for the chip shop first, huddling in the scant protection of its eaves as water streamed down in front. Everything below...

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Filling Station

My first apartment was a shithole. I already know what you're thinking. _Everyone says that. You gotta start somewhere. You never forget your first place_. Bull. Shit. Believe me, I almost wish I could fucking forget about all of it. That sad,...

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Fucking Like Cats and Dogs

The rickety jalopy pulled up outside the brightly lit house, wheezing to a stop with a mutter of shaking parts and a cough of exhaust smoke. The snow leopard inside checked his watch, then grabbed his keys and wallet and climbed out. He climbed the...

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Stud Son

Dylan slumped against the wall of the changing room, hooves splayed out in front of him. One hand lay on a towel next to him, restlessly playing with a set of car keys. He stared off into the middle distance, oblivious to the activity around him as his...

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