Jamie's Personal Tour
He saw no point in holding it as the bio-suit would use his urine as bio-fuel hence the name bio-suit. he relaxed his bladder or at least tried to. it appeared that claire's control wasn't limited to just his limbs.
The Bio-Suited Husky
"suit pressurization test complete." siad the bio-suit. now, baldwin was sealed in the bio-suit. the suit had formed a small backpack that housed a small air supply for low oxygen environments.
Into the Caves
Even knowing what his bio-suit was going to do with him sent a thrill down his spine. it was his reward for making a whole tour group wet their bio-suits.
Coyote Quarantine II
It opened into the storage area for the bio-suits. the coyote bio-suits were meant to be stored on shelves in this room, it looked like they had all gone.
Bali’s Bio-Suit
He shifted about the bio-waste inside rubbery bubbles made up of his own rubbery skin. he was glad he didn't have to taste this disgusting bio-waste.
Bio-Morph FAQ 1
bio-morph f.a.q. **what is a bio-morph?** bio-morph is short for biological anthropomorphic robot, the media shortened it to bio-morph and the name stuck. **so is this just the standard anthropomorphic animal race by another name?
Truck Ride
I just love how the bio-suits taunt their victims until they lose control. having the bio-suit describe how it's going to make dante lose control to jamie is just so erotic.
Jake's backstory WIP 1
Personality Jake is an all around nice guy. Only a few people would say otherwise, those who are jealous of him, which is only the spoiled brats and their very few friends. He is a caring, fun loving, multi talented, easy to get along with dude....
my fursona
bio, for most of his life artium was fighting for his life in the canadian wilderness by him self after he moved from russia. artium tried to avoid most contact with people because he thought they were scarred of him.
#1 of bio pages the first of the mini character bios i plan on doing.
Arianna Filler and Bio's
Sorry people this is only a filler... Now that I'm wide awake and my plate has been partly emptied of problems I look back and realize I left a lot of details out... And I will explain what I failed to in the past two chapters... So here are the...
Dragon Ranch: Character Bios
_This.... dear goodness, why did I write this? Sometimes every time I sit down and start writing I just don't know when to stop...._ _What you have here is a very large chunk of back-story surrounding every character of Dragon Ranch. This...