Chapter Two: Love, Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

A few days passed since his encounter with Aono, and he had yet to see her again, though that was probably the furthest thing in his mind. In that short time, he had gotten to know Cerberos better, and even met his current mate, the flambouyant...

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The cruel path of survival. (Flexible infection homage)

_If it is fate that led me here to die, then It is I who chooses to live despite knowing my destiny._ Stuart sighed as he dug through the ruined piles of damp decaying cardboard, specs of the rotted material clinging to his torn and ruined gloves,...

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Rogue Wind - The Vixen

# _ **Alex** _ Alex's Background - As a child Alex had caused a lot stress for both of her parents. All the time they would spend fortunes upon fortunes in trying to get her a dress so that she would one day marry a fine young man....

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Rogue Wind - The Arctic Goddess

### Azirliath Reliath spent the last few days lying to him self that he would go outside and see what Arlithian had to offer. That is, until he became aware that he's been saying this for an entire week and nothing had changed. It wasn't until...

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Rogue Wind - The Four Cities

It was a cruel joke and i along with only two others spoke out against it. when they wouldn't let him back out nathan went in the mine and not too long afterwards we heard nathan scream.

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Rogue Wind - The Mercenary

For ten seconds kuro was the happiest he had ever been meanwhile the blue fox disapproved of the black wolf's cruel joke. kuro opened the cell door and the blue fox stepped in and helped toby up.

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Rogue Wind - The Thieves

During the fourteenth hundred decade in the world of Arbilyth a new continent was found and a foreign civilization was discovered. This continent acquired the name Argurin, the fourth world of Arbilyth. A continent which was filled with rivers, steep...

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Rogue Wind - The Nobles

# **The Villains** _Back in Kirathain, June sixteenth._ For the past few days Alexander spent most of his time deciding whether or not he should go and search for Alexandra. And two days ago he made his decision, to research where...

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Rogue Wind - The Night Out

Poor or rich, kind or cruel if you broke the law you'd end up dead no worse or better then another, you were hanged.

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Rogue Wind - The Prediction

# _ **R** __**ogue** _ _ **W**__ **ind** _ ## The Prediction ### ### _June Twelfth, Toby's twenty second birthday._ Asleep, Alex was lying in bed on her side with her arms wrapped around Toby and he was cuddling her back. The chest she felt...

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Rogue Wind - The Pirates

# _ **R** __**ogue** _ _ **W**__ **ind** _ ## The Pirates ### Two days after the departure of Kirathain, the fourth of June. For two days the Cerulean was blessed with travelling through calm sunny days. The water still remained much...

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The Afterglow

It was the witching hour, nothing so crude as midnight of course. Anyone can be a witch at midnight under a full moon. It was past 3 am and he had been awoken by a hand on his shoulder, shaking him urgently. His eyes opened to an unfamiliar ceiling and...

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