Thursday Prompt - Key to his Heart

Looking down, he saw his heart sitting there by is lonesome, beating away. "oh. would you look at that." his heart started to beat a little faster as she smiled up at him sweetly.

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New Story I'm working on for a friend

A little dragon goat out for a stroll in the woods all by her lonesome? did you happen to be bringing that water all the way here for me?", the knight said as he started to advance on saw with his blade drawn.


A New Companion

Dex, a 13-year old boy, was merely wallowing in the lonesome darkness of his room. his thoughts drifted to and fro from nothing to nothing.

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A New Companion

Dex, a 13-year old boy, was merely wallowing in the lonesome darkness of his room. his thoughts drifted to and fro from nothing to nothing.

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The Burning Heart Prologue

Prologue before my heart was set aflutter by his perfect form, i was a truly lonesome soul indeed. not that it mattered so much.

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1 days of school (remake)

Mat has been lonesome, his parents are always working. his parents go out into the world for a month, and then come back for a week... then another repeat. mat didn't mind being alone, he always loved to have a lot of space.

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Curse of the Werewolf

As he finished dressing, he heard one lonesome voice in the distance. it would be another month before his curse would be lifted again. he hoped she would wait for him.

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The Fox and the Berries and the Mushrooms

Davy, rest that old buddy's soul, could carry a lonesome tune, himself, and this isn't even taking into account the lovely luma bard he was now in a party with. hell, sunflower thought to himself. he knew too many people.

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A fox named Tai

"well now that's usually right little pup but i just saw you walking all by your lonesome and thought it'd be safer if you were with an adult" the wolf replied. tai thought about it, his head tilted a little to one side as he nibbled on his bottom lip.

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Bonds Of Love (4)

Chapter four name i sighed and spoke to my lonesome self "well it seems like i'm safe. i'll get home using the long route. like that i can avoid him for now." i look to the right then the left. i closed my eyes to listen to the world around me.

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The Fox and the Feline - Chapter 1

Her long, snow white hair is held in what humans would call a 'ponytail', and her long, bushy white tails flow behind her as she moves along by her lonesome.
