Accompanied by Tornado Siren
I do like the sonnet/blank verse/ rhymed envoi pattern it produced. i think it deescalates and escalates similar to the way that musical theatre might use breaking into song, lapsing back into dialog, then having a big finishing number.
The YOLO Sonnet
You only have one life to live One day that matters most Let loose your love to solely give One poet as its host You'll clearly see it's no mistake Once you remove all doubt Let go and we will strive to make Our love a strong redoubt You...
A Transformation Sonnet
I pity those whose sex lives are mundane, For they will never know diversity. To feel their fingers through a growing mane, And sample natural perversity. When I make love our bodies start to change, Our skin gives way to fur and fresh new...
The Sonnet to the Stalker
This searing feeling that comes from my ears And hackles on my neck are standing straight Adhering to the worst of all my fears Thou' wolf who, I assume, wants us to date The boy thinks that I know not that he stares Or that he swoons and drops...
Gryphon's Sonnet
_Legal Stuff: Kiana, Isabella, and Flint are © to me. Not intended for those under the age of 18, have fun spanking it._ Kiana murred softly as she cleaned up a table, having just gotten done with the breakfast rush. Her golden feathers glimmered...
Various Sonnets
Some off-the-cuff sonnets written for people after a stream. 14 werewolves at the mall i the beasts of lore are not the same as now. a modern werewolf stands quite tall and proud. their violent past they firmly disavow. the mission now?
Destruction of Thought
Dance beneath the stars, forget your woes Live beneath the Goddess, can you feel it? Repentance of all wrong doings, you choose. Oranges taste sour, and apples sweet, For your perception has now been hard hit. Could you really believe in such a...
Changing Worlds.txt
The changing of the world seems to be great, Given that you carry normality, For life, piece by piece, determined by fate. Great changes encompass the world, thoughts shaped By ideas of others. Dont you see, Our lives are pointless without...
Taking the Stage, Lead by the Audience
Definately not one of my better ones, though it's still okay... not as metaphor and allusion filled as my last ones. I'm somewhat proud of it though, kinda have to be. It's my own words....
A whisper from Gaia
A whisper from Gaia; mother of men. Words thrown to the wild wind, Unheeded by those who do not listen. Words, if heard right, would sound in the young minds Witches, Christians, Jewish Children and kin; All be rested, as her loving words...
A lover's Bliss
Our moans like a sonnet of lust and desire that combines with hearts seeking one another forming a chain reaction of fireworks. i hold you close my love as i whisper in your ear words of peace and calm that are all truth from my heart.
Poems for Joseph Jackal
Cinquain form when you flatten, you're like a boss or when you mold someone into something more i take pleasure as i spy though you can be scary, i want to cry but i won't, lest i be a mat upon your floor an attempt at a sonnet when you