Salem Rose Host Club: "The Appointment."

It was a typical Wednesday afternoon--nothing special--just me, myself, and Isometry homework for math class. I fucking hate math. Luckily, and to brighten my mood a bit, I'd been able to lay claim to my favorite booth at Starbucks to study in. I...

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Track and Field: Part 19 - It's Time

Sasha The clock in my car's dash read 4:30 pm; my _phone_ read 4:30 pm; if I could've calculated time via the sun's location in the sky I probably would've gotten 4:30 pm there too. Why is it then, that when we agree to meet someone somewhere the...

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Salem Rose Host Club: "The Performance."

"Hello?" I mewed timidly, taking apprehensive steps down the hall. I stared around anticipating Cooper to leap out and scare the shit out of me again, but I saw no one. And this hall went on forever--door after door after door. This building had to be...

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Strangers After All: Part I

The trip to Myrtle beach had been an of-the-moment decision. Deacon and I just wanted to get away from our dorms and go somewhere since most of our fellow students had gone home for break. The sand tickled the bottoms of my bare feet as we walked...

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Track and Field: Part 20 - Almost Lover

Mindy I couldn't look Trace in the eye, even though I knew his great silver head was turned towards me as I drove. "Mindy," he sighed. "Why didn't you tell him?" After we'd left _Perks--_having delivering our news to Sasha--we retreated to the...

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Barred: Chapter 4

4 Nomac saw stars. Other bar-goers gasped and _ooh_-ed. The coyote tripped backward and the bar bit into his spine as he collided with it and crumpled to the floor. He tried opening his eyes, but those damn stars still blinded him, red and blue...

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Barred: Chapter 3

3 Rai slid the _Old Fashioned_ to Nomac and took the other guy's money. He smirked as he walked off--smirked and shook his head. The coyote ignored him and turned slightly, softening his gaze and taking in his new _friend_. A black lab: not a bad...

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Hi, my name's Eli, I'm 18, and I'm an otter that doesn't like to swim. I mean, I like to swim, but I don't like the idea of people just assuming that I do. Sure, I'm on the swim team at my high school, but do I want to be? Not really. Do I want to be...

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New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 1 - "It Comes Soon"

1 Rhykard Dean, sitting Indian-style on his well-made dorm room bed, cleared his throat out of awkwardness as his shirtless roommate dropped his cargo shorts and snapped the elastic band of his new, Atlas the Superdog underwear with glee. The toned,...

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Track and Field: Part 24 - Fix You

Arthur _"Papa?"_ _"........."_ _"Papaaaaaa?"_ _"................."_ _I feel his little paws atop my chest, the warmth of his tiny fingers blooming on the spot right over my heart as he shakes me; his sharp claws yank on my fur and pinch the...

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