Aftermath 1
The story, "i never expected this", deals with alternate universes, jake hooking up with dark cat, and feral gaining and losing chance as a sex pet.
World descriptions
Fur, fury, space major pc: arrow quincy vershaft, (possibly redtai dacolis) following the discovery of an alternate universe with a high number of habitable planets, our prime timeline used a one-time event to spawn over large amounts
The science of Symmetry: Subspace
Contrary to its suggestive colloquial name, it is not a higher dimension or alternate universe, but instead is simply an altered form of normal spacetime which possesses covariant laws of physics.
Tales of Zootopia: Clyde and Soren Revisited
What i realized was exactly how i created an alternate universe where i was born and raised in zootopia (tales of zootopia: albus, farrah and aslan): time travel to an identical parallel universe.
Mongoose - Point of No Return
I write these set in alternate universes that take place in the future where every character involved is 18+ posted using postybirb scandal.
Terra, chapter one: Plug it up!
Since this is a high school alternate universe, everyone will have real names. beast boy is gar, kitten is kathryn, etc.
Tikal's Baptism
I write these set in alternate universes that take place in the future where every character involved is 18+ posted using postybirb tikal, daughter of pachacamac often visits the chaos shrine and the chao who call that place home.
Experience as a Millien Magi
"Where is Kion?" Fuli asked as she looked to the sides. It had been almost twenty-five minutes after Kion had went to Mr. Howler's office, having being called in there by him. The time for lunch as almost over now and there was no sign of their lion...
Walk in the Wastes #1: August 15th, 2279
Takes place in a fallout alternate universe which includes both human and faunus characters. starts as a recollection to the point that bishop is writing the story, then will continue on as weekly updates as the story unfolds.
Living the Dream, Part Three
alternate universe or not.
Manic's Repayment 5
I write these set in alternate universes that take place in the future where every character involved is 18+ this is co-written by spunkiwrites posted using postybirb with a possessive growl, scourge locks lips with manic again, pressing chest to chest,
Sally and Antoine 5
I write these set in alternate universes that take place in the future where every character involved is 18+ posted using postybirb he whimpers, whines, growls, and groans, gripping her hips with his strong soldier's grip.