Furries University Chapter 7: Downhill Roll

Along with kitsune. kitsune slowly lost thought as he slipped into slip. the love of ozwot eased him into relaxation. the night sky was clouded and the moon was covered.

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Starfox: Shadows of War (Chapter Three)

Falco shouted suddenly, throwing the disc at fox. fox ducked under it barely and heard it shatter behind him.

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Like Father, Unlike Son

I'm a fox. foxes do that." "well, maybe foxes shouldn't do that. maybe foxes should stay off the booze when they're driving, too. maybe they should take a hint after four arrests and not drink and drive." "hey, a fox had got to make a living."

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Furries University Chapter 10: awkward encounters

Ozwot broke from the embrace and walked to his bed and lifted up the covers for kitsune. kitsune smiled, tears still rolling softly down his face and he crawled into the bed.

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Those Magnificent Women in Their Flying Machines (Heat 14 preview)

The door popped open and the tarmac crew looked first with excitement and then with shock at the gorgeous arctic fox vixen who hopped out, dressed in a flight suit with helmet, goggles, and gloves tucked under one arm.

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Character Profile: Foxy

Name: foxy loxyage: 20gender: femaleheight/weight: 5' 8" @ 126 lbs.species: fox (kitsune in actuality)date of birth: april 30, 2177residence: new x (stationed)overview:foxy is an officer in the special task force of new x.


Where my story start's.

I stared deep into his eyes and then relized something he was fox my friend fox. "fox?!" i looked at his smirk and knew it was him. "hell yeah bout time you relized so we gonna fuck or are you still sad."


Shower time at the Great Fox

Krystal looked at the crew, how different species they were, but yet they showed a nice teamwork helping fox. fox took one of krystal's hands saying closely to her "let me present you the crew."

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The Hybrid War Part 7

He cried, fox saw lynx whisper something into laura's ear; she looked at fox then ran off "that's my girl" lynx said to fox.

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