Maid to be a Sergal Toy
The white rubber rolls and coils around brandon's arm as he tugs at the rubber. brandon tries to rub the rubber with his other hand. his brown fingers slide into the gooey white rubber.
A Brand New You (9/10)
Newlyn suddenly began to see something shift in the latex coloration, starting at the waist the grey latex turned to yellow and the patterning became spotted.
To the Victor
Caused him to moan from the feel of rubber against rubber.
Filling His Rubber Paws (1/10)
Right now he could imagine the silver rubber raptor that was playing as him already tucked away in his bed, or wrapped up in some sort of rubber bindings like he would be.
The Latex Legendary
Selth's description (canoniest)
- **latex core** > selth has a latex core, usually stored in his treasure room. it can be altered and if his body is destroyed he will regenerate at the core. out of range of the core selth becomes a latex statue if not a latex golem. > > the core has
How to Enter Dragon Heaven - The Gift
The mass of latex tentacles slithered over the rubber dragon until his legs and arms were completely bound.
Becoming a Display Piece
She set her jaws together defensively but the rubber didn't have much trouble slipping lots of little streams of latex through into her mouth.
An Ultimate Nexus Experience (3/14)
They were giant rubber reptilian trees.
Caught in the Spider's Web Story by Serathin
"latex is life," the voices repeated as the werewolf tried to resist, feeling the rubber coating one of his eyes and causing a blue spiral to appear in front of it. "latex is love." "latex... latex is..."
Just Another Game Night (4/5)
But as another wave of pleasure had coursed through shy's body from a particularly well-timed rubber strap that had slid up under her latex-coated boobs she found herself saying the wrong answer.
Latex Zoo: Safari Zone
latex finger going in and out of her rubbery folds.