The Family He Never Had Part 2
The young boy was sleeping in a man made bed at Tarzan's tree house home and it had been at least two days since he was sleeping in the bed. Professor Archimedes Q. Porter managed to determine his condition as a case of exhaustion. Terk, Flynt, Mungo...
_well there it is, these scenes were deleted because it felt a bit too unrealistic/soap opera like, the tone seemed wrong for heat.
KilRoy and a speical night with a fox
Warning this does contain a very very very hot sex scene you know the laws!!! enjoy! please leave feed back!
Betrayal (2023)
Betrayal by Skipai (c) 2023 Bloodnose sat there, the wagon rolled along the rough terrain as the sound of a whip was heard, the gruff sound of another of his kind called out for the enslaved creatures to move faster. The rat...
Short scene 1
#1 of scenes i can't write long things, soooo, heres a shitty little short scene thing... my eyes dart side to side like the tip of my tail, agitated by the wind forcing against me, scanning the street, and by extension, every alley, nook, or cranny.
MTIP Explicit scenes
For now, its just a dump for the scenes that aren't allowed on that website. so, if you have come from my fanfiction page... hi :). if you found me somehow on this site, welcome.
Midnight Mini Scene
[end scene]
Scene Three: "Lonely"
Stay tuned for scene four: corpse run!
Scene Two: Funeral
scene three: "lonely"
Scene One: Green
Ferro stared at the trembling pistol in his hands. His wavering, emerald green irises traced the tendrils of smoke rising from the barrel, that tell-tale scent of gunpowder filtering through his nostrils. For what felt like an eternity, he could not...
Story Scene -- "Why Not?"
Reasons, I had come to realize, have polarity, like electricity. There is a "why" pole and a "why not" pole, and they are quite proper opposites. The "why" pole attracts, providing you with reasons that tell you to do something, to make something...
Dream Scene -Zombies!-
I was second in line as everyone around me panicked. No one knew what was going on as we received handguns with one clip each. They were tiny and black and each magazine had 17 shots in it. I wasn't a gun enthusiast so I had no idea what the model...