Remembering Dasher Cheetah ... Some Thoughts We Shared about 7 Years Ago ...
My story isn't scientific, just subjective. had a stroke. in the hospital, my blood pressure was thru the roof and they were afraid i would burst a blood vessel in my head, so they gave me drugs to get my b.p. down.
From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 1: Janie's Journey
Shi started to do research, reading old news papers and scientific journals from around the world. collecting a bunch of seemingly isolated cases and errant data.
Commentary on the Apocalypse
They only did what so many before them had done; they lost track of ethics in the wake of scientific discovery. the americans had succeeded in creating multi-cellular life from scratch.
Part 10: Tracing the Signal
"how's that scientific! that sounds like magic to me!" the fox yelled, confused. amanda sighed. "there's a reason things of magical nature are handed off to the organization. first off, magic and science are the same.
For me, it was the sound of silence that would cause distress, not this familiar cacophony of scientific instruments, while i was a conductor, the only one who could make sense out of this sea of chaos. a beautiful symphony.
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 1
Our hope was found in the scientific breakthroughs of mankind that were banned during the genetic purge of 2750ad \
Case Study 1202
This experiment is involving the use of males, the usual standard, sexual interactions and scientific studies. this report is being written at the request of the head staff of the grumann's institution.
"if you're talking about the scientific community claiming our ancestry is from another galaxy. i would suggest that you not worry about it, as the claim is unfounded with no real evidence."
Warmer Climes
Then, one day, quite unexpectedly, mikhail suggested i might visit him at one of the many scientific conventions he attended each year.
Crisis of Chris the Canine
He didn't know it yet, but this rampaging monster was going to usher in a new era of scientific knowledge. this large dalmatian, suddenly appeared out of nowhere, two weeks ago.
Workplace Bonding (1/8)
"do you know what could happen if you told this scientific ethics and morals committee about this possible finding?!
A Single Candle, Part 2
"hardly a scientific analysis, is it?" "perhaps this experience doesn't need science." felice smiled gently. "perhaps it needs a heart instead of a head." "fair point."