A Story For Leena (Dawn Epilogue)

A Story for Leena (Dawn Epilogue) Mediteral. _"Daddy? Is that you?" Spoke a lost sounding little gryphon girl standing in a field of clouds. Her sky blue sundress blended in perfectly. A larger gryphon appeared dressed in soldier gear....

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Oracle: The Dream

This was truly the worst day in the wolf's life. Not only was his beloved instrument, the same one which he had found deep in the cave, deemed unfit and destroyed by the Priests for cultural advancement, but his very faith in the Solar federation had...

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Chapter 6: A Coming Together of Minds

Fox thought, _"i think the telepathy lessons will have to wait until we've had breakfast.

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Chapter 5: Journey to Sauria

Wondering if there would be enough room for her vulpine's things, she closed her eyes and reached out to his mind with her telepathy.

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Break time. The best time of the day, one might argue. You always took your break at the same time every day, and usually at the same place - a coffee shop just down the street from the lab. They even knew your name, which you found very gratifying. ...

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Day 4 - Psychic

Their party was split up. It was full blown worst-case scenario: after an encounter with some kind of entity had gone south, the party's mage found himself completely alone in the dark of the tomb, using his staff to light his way as he searched...

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Omega Kinetic Prime

_Steph, do we have the new generators in place? Or is the kid still working on it?_ Steph's voice filtered into his mind lightly. _He's almost got them up and running. He has to wire them into the system, but he's telling me that he should have...

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A Dragons Love Story

I had growled a bit feeling her lips wrap around the tip of my member and begin a light suck upon it as she opened her mind, knowing dragons have telepathy so she could hear my words more easily.

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Venom, Episode 1

Blackness. An infinite sea of blackness. That is what defines my existence. Nothingness. No sensation, no memory. Then suddenly I long for the emptiness again as my entire existence becomes pain. My body is wracked by spasms, everything hurts....

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\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* WARNING - This chapter contains references to sex and homosexuality. Any who would be insulted or disgusted...

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Chapter 4 – Transitions and Preparations

Chapter 4 - Transitions and Preparations Walking down the veranda, Fox and Krystal made their way to the car and got in. Just as Fox started up the motor, his vehicle's communication unit signaled an incoming call from Fara, which Fox...

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Chapter 3 – A Home to Look Forward To

Chapter 3 - A Home to Look Forward To Fox and his crew made their way down the ramp onto Corneria City Spaceport's tarmac, duffel bags slung over their shoulders. After...

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